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Courses - Faculty of Medical And Health Sciences


Postgraduate 700 Level Courses

15 Points

Auditory Neuroscience

The anatomy and physiology of the auditory system, including the central nervous system. Topics include: the anatomy and neuroanatomy of the ear, the role of the middle ear, cochlear mechanics and micromechanics, transduction in the cochlea and vestibular system, responses of the auditory nerve and cochlear homeostasis.

15 Points

Basic Diagnostic Audiology

The basic principles and techniques of diagnostic audiology in adults and children. Topics studied include: basic audiometric techniques (history-taking, pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry, immittance audiometry, traditional site-of-lesion tests, paediatric assessment, non-organic hearing loss). Emphasis is placed on critical assessment of current literature.

15 Points

Central Auditory Function

Auditory neurophysiology and electrophysiology of central auditory pathways, psychoacoustics, and speech and language. Topics include: the use of electrophysiology, imaging technologies and psychoacoustics to probe the function of the auditory system. Central processes involved in speech and language.

15 Points

Clinical Otolaryngology and Related Sciences

An introduction to otolaryngology and speech pathology. Topics include: principles of pathology and mechanisms of disease, imaging techniques, diseases of the ear, head and neck, the genetics of deafness, neurological disorders that affect hearing and balance, occupational deafness and hearing conservation, speech pathology.

15 Points

Hearing Aids and Other Devices for the Hearing Impaired

An introduction to the design and technology of analogue and digital hearing aids, cochlear implants and assistive devices for children and adults with hearing-impairment. Analysis of the signal processing techniques and strategies used in digital hearing aids and cochlear implants.

15 Points

Physics and Acoustics for Audiology

The basic physics of sound; and instrumentation and the principles of digital signal processing involved in audiological research. Topics include: the physics of sound waves, room acoustics, the measurement of reverberation time; the nature of acoustic impedance; the nature of filters and amplifiers, acoustics of speech, calibration.

15 Points

15 Points

Clinical Practicum I

Introduces the clinical practice of Audiology. Topics include communication skills; ethics; cultural issues; and the clinical practice of audiology, including counselling, understanding the effects of aging, tinnitus and hyperacusis management. Students will obtain the skills and knowledge to take a clinical history and to perform a basic audiometric assessment of adults and children. Particular emphasis is placed on critical evaluation and independent learning. Involves clinical work including a nine week practicum during the summer semester between Part I and Part II.

To complete this course students must enrol in AUDIOL 716 A and B

15 Points

15 Points

Clinical Practicum II

Clinical Audiology includes a scope of practice in evidence-based diagnostic and rehabilitative practices for the lifespan population. Topics include behavioural and objective measures of hearing for all ages, diagnosis and management of children with hearing loss, advanced topics in tinnitus, balance and hearing technologies. Interactive lectures, clinical placements, and independent learning contribute to the curriculum.

Prerequisite: AUDIOL 716

To complete this course students must enrol in AUDIOL 718 A and B

45 Points

45 Points

Thesis - Level 9

To complete this course students must enrol in AUDIOL 796 A and B
