Courses - Faculty of Arts
Language Teaching and Learning
Stage II
Introductory English Language Analysis for Teachers
Introduces key concepts of phonology, grammar and vocabulary of English and develops an understanding of how they function as systems in written and spoken English. Develops the skills needed to formally analyse the phonological, lexical and grammatical systems of English. Illustrates how linguistic descriptions can be applied in language teaching.
Prerequisite: 30 points passed or approval of Academic Head or nominee.
Developing Literacy in a Second Language
Examines the theory and practice related to the development of both initial and advanced literacy in a second language: how reading and writing skills are developed in a second language; the interdependency of first and second language literacy skills; effective instructional methods and the role played by second language literacy in the development of academic skills where English is the medium of instruction.
Prerequisite: 30 points passed or approval of Academic Head or nominee
Special Topic: Language Learning and the Brain
Introduces prominent cognitive aspects of language learning. These include memory, attention, code-switching, and multimodal integration when learners form correspondences between linguistic and sensory input. Examines the power of language to influence brain responses and optical illusions. The mechanisms of linguistic influence on the brain, and their implications for teaching, will be explored from multiple angles.
Prerequisite: 30 points passed
Instructed Language Learning
Introduces the study of the language acquisition-rich classroom by considering how a second or foreign language is learned, and explores different aspects of language teaching from the perspective of language learning and factors responsible for individual differences in learning. Students will consider concepts and research in instructed language learning in relation to classroom, institutional, and broader social and political contexts.
Prerequisite: 30 points passed or approval of Academic Head or nominee
Restriction: LANGTCHG 303
Using Tasks in Language Teaching
Students learn about task-based language teaching and have opportunities for hands-on practice in developing tasks for use in the language classroom. The course also enhances students’ understanding of the difference between task-based teaching and traditional approaches to language teaching.
Prerequisite: LANGTCHG 101 or 30 points passed or approval of Academic Head or nominee
Restriction: LANGTCHG 306
Stage III
Theory and Practice of Language Teaching
A general introduction to English language teaching. This course requires students to undertake a study of current theory and practice relating to the teaching of the knowledge systems of English and of language skills.
Prerequisite: LANGTCHG 101 or 202 or 30 points passed at Stage II or above or approval of Academic Head or nominee
The Second Language Curriculum
Introduces principles and procedures used in course design and to evaluate TEFL courses, coursebooks and materials. Develops a practical understanding of how to set about planning an EFL curriculum.
Prerequisite: LANGTCHG 101 or 30 points passed at Stage II or above or approval of Academic Head or nominee
Practical Language Teaching
Develops an understanding of the procedures, techniques and options used in teaching language lessons; helps participants to design and deliver effective language lessons for a variety of contexts; and introduces participants to a variety of tools for teacher development such as peer teaching, peer observation, and reflective teaching.
The Young Second Language Learner
Examines the experience of children aged 6-12 years and adolescents aged 12-19 in learning a second language. Gives particular attention to the social, cognitive and psychological characteristics of children; examines the needs of young learners of a second language and how languages are learned in different contexts.
Prerequisite: LANGTCHG 101 or 30 points at Stage II or above or approval of the Academic Head or nominee
Second/Foreign Language Teaching Experience
Students teach English (or another language) for an organisation (local or abroad) approved by the Academic Head or nominee. Excludes teaching in a NZ primary, intermediate or secondary school.
Prerequisite: LANGTCHG 101, 202, 300, 301, 302 with a B average or higher and approval of Academic Head or nominee
Language and Technology
Introduces students to theoretical and practical aspects of using technology for language learning and teaching purposes. Enables students to develop confidence in their ability to integrate technology into their teaching, and in their capacity to explore other technological applications in response to workplace needs. Students will also experience and reflect upon the language learning dimension, and critically examine on the relative benefits of particular applications with reference to sound pedagogical principles.
Prerequisite: 30 points passed at Stage II
Postgraduate 700 Level Courses
Multilingual Lives - Level 9
Examines main theoretical approaches to understanding multilingualism. Students acquire specialised knowledge of different approaches to addressing the needs of an ethnolinguistically diverse population, and develop a critical awareness of issues and debates in the field. Assignments involve substantial independent research that includes the analysis of factors that influence the acquisition, maintenance, and use of multiple languages in individuals’ lives.
Special Topic: Experimental Approaches to SLA
Familiarises students with experiments that investigate second language acquisition. There are two goals. First, to develop an understanding of a range of methods in the field, which include categorisation and memory tests, eye-tracking, measuring skin conductance responses and brain signals. Second, to train students to critically read reports from experiments and to evaluate their relevance for SLA research.
Task-based Language Teaching
Examines research that has investigated task-based second language learning and the theoretical rationale for task-based language teaching. Also considers factors in the design of task-based syllabuses and methodological options for lessons based on tasks, and problems in implementation.
Developing Academic Literacy
Aims to help participants understand and develop their academic literacies. Focuses on texts involved in the research process, such as review articles, research paper proposals, dissertations and conference abstracts; makes extensive reference to findings from genre and corpus-based analyses; and includes conducting mini-analyses on the discourse in participants' own disciplines.
Identity in Language Teaching and Learning
Explores the concepts of language learner identity and language teacher identity. The course reviews theory and research on identity and considers the practical applications of identity research and debates in classroom practice. Students conduct an independent self-reflective project.
Directed Study
Supervised research on an approved topic or topics related to language teaching and learning.
Language Analysis for Teachers
Develops an advanced understanding of the structures of English and advanced skills of analysing the key concepts and features of English phonology, morphology, syntax and vocabulary from the perspective of second/foreign language teaching.
Restriction: LANGTCHG 720
Materials Development and Evaluation
Examines the principles and processes of designing, adapting and evaluating language teaching materials for teaching language systems and language skills. Examines the role materials development play in professional development.
Corpus Studies in Applied Linguistics
Covers the theoretical and practical aspects of using corpora to promote language learning. A major part of the course will focus on using corpora and text analysis tools to provide a description of language as it is used by different people for different purposes. Once we have a good description of language usage, we can move on to consider the role of corpus studies in language teaching.
Computer Assisted Language Learning
Covers the theoretical and practical aspects of using technology to promote language learning. Includes culture and CALL, exercise authoring, CALL research, technology and the four skills, web-based language learning, computer-mediated communication, and CALL evaluation.
English for Specific Purposes
Considers theory and practice in developing language courses to meet the specific academic or work-related needs of adult learners. In particular, it focuses on analysis of target communication, needs analysis, issues and methodologies in ESP and ESP research. Uses the example of English for Specific Purposes but is relevant to the teaching of other languages for specific purposes as well.
Conducting Research in Applied Language Studies - Level 9
Explores advanced theoretical perspectives for research into second/foreign language learning, teaching, and use. Enables students to acquire an advanced understanding of selected research methods. Students work independently on a small-scale project, which involves the collection and analysis of data on second or foreign language learning, teaching or use.
Restriction: LANGTCHG 732, 745
Curriculum Design - Level 9
Advanced level study of theoretical principles and current issues in the second language curriculum. Includes historical examination of influential approaches and methods, with particular attention to the development and current position of communicative approaches. Examines issues associated with course design processes including assessment of needs, objectives setting, syllabus and materials selections, and course evaluation.
Restriction: LANGTCHG 741
Sociolinguistics - Level 9
Examines sociolinguistic concepts relevant to understanding influences on language use at the level of individuals, social groups and institutions. Enables students to acquire an advanced understanding of social and regional dialects, perceived differences in the market status of particular languages, the use of sociolects and ethnolects in the media and other public domains, and policies and practices concerning migrant and heritage language maintenance.
Restriction: LANGTCHG 749
Second Language Acquisition - Level 9
Advanced study of current theories of second language acquisition and research that have examined both instructed and naturalistic acquisition. Includes an independent study involving analysis of learner language and writing a standard research report and a critique of a pedagogical approach, drawing on contemporary research on how languages are learned.
Restriction: LANGTCHG 722, 723, 743
Discourse Analysis - Level 9
Examines major theoretical approaches to the analysis of discourse and implications for pedagogy. Students acquire specialised knowledge of approaches to analysis and frameworks that underpin research, and develop advanced skills in written and spoken text analysis and critical awareness of issues and debates in the field. Assignments involve substantial independent research that includes analysis and interpretation of data.
Restriction: LANGTCHG 744
Creativity: Research and Practice - Level 9
Theoretical perspectives, pedagogical practices and research projects related to the topic of creativity in language learning and teaching. Enables students to acquire an advanced understanding of the concept of ‘creativity’ with reference to language teaching and learning through exploratory research, practice and reflection.
Restriction: LANGTCHG 755
Language Testing and Assessment - Level 9
Advanced study of theoretical principles and current issues in language testing, assessment and evaluation, and their application to teaching practice and research. Examines issues associated with the creation of valid and reliable assessments, and the implications for course design processes, with particular attention to the testing, assessment and evaluation of communicative language proficiency.
Restriction: LANGTCHG 742
Research Project - Level 9
Prerequisite: A GPA of 7.0 or higher over four courses from LANGTCHG 700, 701, 710, 715, 716, 739, 740, 746, 747, 751, 752, 754, 756, 757, 760–765
To complete this course students must enrol in LANGTCHG 790 A and B, or LANGTCHG 790
Dissertation - Level 9
To complete this course students must enrol in LANGTCHG 793 A and B, or LANGTCHG 793
Thesis - Level 9
To complete this course students must enrol in LANGTCHG 796 A and B