Courses - Faculty of Education And Social Work
Education Curriculum Māori
Stage I
Te Reo Matatini Te Pihinga
Develops the knowledge, skills and attitudes associated with planning, teaching and assessing for students' literacy learning across ngā Marautanga Māori. Addresses questions such as: What do teachers need to know to teach literacy effectively? How do teachers' literacy competencies affect student learning? How do teachers balance the needs of the curriculum and the needs of learners?
Restriction: EDCURRIC 102
Pāngarau: He Whakatakinga
Develops knowledge and understanding of the discipline of Pāngarau and its relevance and purpose. Understands how the discipline is manifested in the form of curricula documents and guides. Considers questions such as what does it mean for children to know pāngarau and the associated debates and related theory. Examines the specific pāngarau education discourse in te reo Māori.
Restriction: EDCURRM 104
Te reo Matatini 1: Te Pihinga
Develops knowledge, skills and attitudes associated with planning, teaching and assessing for learners' literacy learning across Marautanga. Examines a range of pedagogical practices and beliefs, including second language learning theory and pedagogy to teach literacy effectively and to improve outcomes for learners.
Restriction: EDCURRM 102
Develops understanding of hauora, its whakapapa, philosophies and practices that support learning and teaching. Examines how teachers implement quality learning experiences based on ngā akoranga koiri me ngā mātauranga hauora to ensure effective learning for a diverse range of learners. Focuses on how learning is monitored and assessed. Examines the specific te reo Māori discourse in hauora education.
Restriction: EDCURRM 103
Pūtaiao - He Whakatakinga
Demonstrates knowledge of the relevance of pūtaiao for students, community, and society. Develops understanding of pūtaiao as a discipline. Demonstrates and develops knowledge of the pūtaiao learning areas, planning, teaching and assessment, other relevant progressions, and support materials. Examines how teachers design quality learning environments for positive engagement and effective learning in pūtaiao for a diverse range of learners.
Restriction: EDCURRM 113
Ngā Toi: He Whakatakinga
Inquires into the place of Ngā Toi in education, and develops capability and understanding through experiences in each of the three Ngā Toi disciplines: Toi Ataata; Ngā Mahi a te Rēhia; and Toi Puoro. Designs for learning by applying pedagogical, curriculum and content knowledge to select approaches and resources for Ngā Toi learning experiences for valued outcomes for learners.
Restriction: EDCURRM 101
Tikanga ā-iwi: He Whakatakinga
Develops students' knowledge and skills associated with planning for teaching and learning in tikanga ā iwi. Examines the history, nature and purpose of tikanga ā iwi education. Develops students’ knowledge of curriculum requirements, social inquiry and resources to plan for students' diverse needs. Examines how learning is monitored and assessed. Examines the specific tikanga ā iwi discourse of te reo Māori.
Stage II
Pāngarau: He Puāwaitanga
Develops understanding of pāngarau and pedagogical content knowledge for teaching and learning. Designs quality programmes based on knowledge of dispositions, learning and teaching approaches, resources and curricula, and assessment activities. Uses an increasing repertoire of teaching strategies, approaches, learning activities, technologies and assessment for learning. Communicates using the specific pāngarau education discourse in te reo Māori.
Prerequisite: EDCURRM 108
Restriction: EDCURRM 204
Te Reo Matatini 2: Te Puanga
Further develops the knowledge, skills and attitudes associated with planning, teaching and assessing for learners' language proficiency and literacy learning across te Marautanga Māori. Examines a range of pedagogical practices and beliefs, including second language learning theory and pedagogy to improve outcomes for learners.
Prerequisite: EDCURRM 109
Restriction: EDCURRM 202
Hangarau me te Pūtaiao - He Whakawhanaketanga
Develops knowledge in the planning, teaching and assessing of children's learning in the hangarau and pūtaiao curricula as well as knowledge of relevant progressions and support guidelines. Examines how teachers design quality learning environments for positive engagement and effective learning in hangarau and pūtaiao for a diverse range of learners.
Prerequisite: EDCURRM 113
Restriction: EDCURRM 105, 107
Hangarau - He Whakatakinga
Demonstrates knowledge of the relevance of Hangarau for students, community, and society. Develops understanding of Hangarau as a discipline. Demonstrates and develops knowledge of the Hangarau learning areas, planning, teaching and assessment, other relevant progressions, and support materials. Examines how teachers design quality learning environments for positive engagement and effective learning in Hangarau for a diverse range of learners.
Restriction: EDCURRM 205