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Courses - Faculty of Education And Social Work

Education Curriculum Pasifika

Stage I

15 Points

Ng ue'aki e Tekinolosia

Develops knowledge and understanding of components of technological literacy as it relates to young children, including Pasifika children. Develops understanding of appropriate pedagogy to enhance learning in technology in Pasifika and general ECE settings. What is technological literacy? How can technological literacy be developed through drawing upon Pasifika languages and cultures? What environments encourage children's exploration of technological experiences?

Restriction: EDCURRIC 111

15 Points

Apii taieni I nga mataiti mua

Develops an appreciation of the nature of science, which supports conceptual understandings and quality teaching and learning approaches to science education in Pasifika ECE settings. How do teachers foster quality learning environments for infants, toddlers and young children based on the ECE curriculum so that learning in science can occur for diverse learners? How can science literacy be developed through Pasifika languages and cultures?

Restriction: EDCURRIC 115

15 Points

LafilafiagaTau tufuga Pasifika

Explores Pasifika perspectives on the four distinct disciplines of dance, drama, music and visual arts within the Arts. Students are encouraged to express ideas, feelings, beliefs and values that foster understanding of others. Theoretical and philosophical perspectives will be examined within the context of Pasifika Arts Education. How are Pasifika Arts interpreted within Early Childhood Education settings?

Restriction: EDCURRIC 116

15 Points

Na i vakarau ni vuli ka ena Pasifika

Examines Te Whāriki Early Childhood Curriculum with specific reference to Pasifika learners. Pasifika pedagogies will be explored in relation to the principles, strands and goals of the curriculum. What do teachers need to know about the philosophical, theoretical and socio-cultural basis of Te Whāriki? How do Pasifika pedagogies, including teaching through language and culture, relate to the principles, strands and goals of Te Whāriki? Explores social sciences in Te Whāriki and other examples in Pasifika and general ECE settings.

15 Points

Moui olaola

An introduction to human development from conception to old age and death within a holistic framework. Pasifika and other theoretical perspectives will be discussed in relation to understanding child development in the early years. Students will explore social theories to inform and develop effective teaching and learning strategies inclusive of Pasifika. How can Pasifika languages and cultures boost holistic development in Pasifika and general ECE?

Stage II

15 Points

Aoaoga o fanau laiti

Critically examines influences of historical and contemporary theory and practice for infants/toddlers in Pasifika and general ECE settings. Develops pedagogies responsive to early learners. How do such pedagogies address a responsive infant/toddler curriculum with Pasifika learners? How do relationship-based pedagogies address issues for teachers of infants and toddlers? What is the tension between education and care from Pasifika cultural perspectives?

Restriction: EDCURRIC 210

15 Points

Gagana ma lana matafaioi

Develops knowledge, skills, dispositions associated with assessing, planning and teaching for children's learning in Pasifika languages and critical literacies. Addresses such questions as: What do teachers need to know to teach learners in Pasifika ECE settings, and with fanau and communities? What educational resources and strategies might be used so all children become competent, confident communicators in Aotearoa New Zealand?

Restriction: EDCURRIC 211

15 Points

Fika 'i he Fanau Iiki

Develops knowledge and understanding of early mathematical concepts and their relationship with holistic learning environments in Pasifika ECE and general settings. What are early mathematical concepts as evident in Pasifika cultures? What is effective planning for mathematical possibilities drawing upon Pasifika languages and cultures within a play based ECE programme? What constitutes a holistic approach to mathematics learning?

Restriction: EDCURRIC 212

Stage III

15 Points

Tuvatuva vakarautaki ena vuli me qito

Develops a critical understanding of play within a broader context of learning and teaching in Pasifika and general ECE settings. How do Pasifika and other theoretical and philosophical perspectives on play impact on personal pedagogy? What are the pedagogical implications of play interfacing between individual freedom, fanau and community? What is the significance of play for adult creativity, communication and citizenship?

15 Points

Moui fakaagaga i loto he tau Aoga Fanau Ikiiki he Pasifika

Explores and critically analyses the notion of spiritual development, spirituality and culture within the context of Pasifika ECE education. Students will explore how to utilise cultural and spiritual knowledge to enhance Pasifika children's learning. What are the implications of spirituality, cultural knowledge and practices for pedagogy and curriculum that enhance holistic development?

Restriction: EDCURRPK 122

15 Points

Su'esu'ega loloto i le faaaogaina o gagana

Develops a critical understanding of the place of bilingualism/biliteracy in relation to policy and practice of the ECE curriculum Te Whāriki, the New Zealand Curriculum and Pasifika languages. Learning and teaching in the medium of Pasifika languages involves knowledge and skills from the bilingual professional education field. Students are expected to critique the best of local and international bilingual and immersion theory and practice.

Restriction: EDCURRPK 253
