Courses - Faculty of Education And Social Work
Education Professional Studies Māori
Stage I
Te Ao Māori - Te Kākano
Introduces socio-political and historical contexts, including Te Tiriti o Waitangi, to inform understandings about Māori challenges and aspirations within contemporary New Zealand society. Examines own social and cultural locations for their impact on professional and social practices in a range of settings. Develops basic knowledge of te ao Māori including Te Reo me ngā tikanga Māori.
Restriction: EDUCSW 101, EDPROFST 100
Te Reo Māori 1
Develops te reo Māori knowledge, skills and attitudes for learning and teaching across marautanga. Addresses issues such as strategies that support personal and professional Māori language development; historical, social and political factors that have impacted on the vitality of te reo Māori; bilingual education and Māori medium education.
Restriction: EDPROFM 109
Pakirehua Ngaio – Te Ako
Addresses key influences on learning and development, building and enhancing understandings of personal experiences and identity. Examines concepts central to learning and development such as self-efficacy and self-concept. Explores key aspects within the teacher’s role with an emphasis on reflection, relationship building, communication and collaboration. Introduces strategies central to the first teaching practicum. Examines te reo Māori discourse appropriate to pakirehua ngaio contexts.
Stage II
Te Ao Māori - Te Māhuri
Introduction of contemporary Māori educational landscapes, policy directions, case-studies and debates to develop critical knowledge and engagement with te ao Māori and Māori Education. Further develops knowledge of te reo, tikanga and mātauranga Māori, and its integration with pedagogy, practice and planning relevant for all ākonga, is developed.
Prerequisite: EDPROFM 100 or WTR 100
Mātauranga: Te Whakawhanake Hapori Ako
Introduces students to selected contemporary perspectives on learning. Explores strategies that develop self-regulated and self-efficacious learners, and support learning, with a focus on Māori learners. Considers rationale and conditions for establishing connections and relationships within a responsive pedagogy alongside factors that contribute to the creation of Māori medium classrooms as effective learning communities.
Te Reo Māori 2
Further develops te reo Māori knowledge, skills and attitudes for learning and teaching across Marautanga. Addresses issues such as planning effectively for personal and professional Māori language development; key theories and approaches underpinning the development of bilingualism and biliteracy in Māori medium educational contexts and the pedagogical implications of these when planning for learning and teaching.
Prerequisite: EDPROFM 101
Restriction: EDPROFM 209
Pakirehua Ngaio – Te Whakaako
Develops informed understandings about the nature of high quality, effective teaching practices for diverse ākonga. Interprets teaching as inquiry with reference to relevant curricula. Identifies and examines specific teacher actions that support high quality, effective teaching and learning. Further develops understandings of strategies central to the second teaching practicum. Examines te reo Māori discourse appropriate to pakirehua ngaio contexts.
Prerequisite: EDPROFM 102, EDPRACM 100
Corequisite: EDPRACM 204
Stage III
Te Ao Māori - Te Puāwaitanga
Fosters Te Tiriti responsive teacher practice, including understanding of and engagement with Māori whānau and community for productive educational relationships and learner outcomes. Applies critical knowledge and skills in mātauranga, tikanga and te reo Māori to extended planning and assessment activities suitable for diverse ākonga.
Prerequisite: EDPROFM 200
Te Reo Māori 3
Synthesises te reo Māori knowledge, skills and attitudes for teaching and learning across Marautanga. Addresses issues such as the support of te reo Māori revitalisation at micro, meso and macro levels; the socio-political implications of language change, shift, loss and revitalisation; planning for long-term personal Māori language development in a school context.
Prerequisite: EDPROFM 204
Ako mā te Aromatawai - Learning Through Assessment
Addresses assessment literacy and capability through an informed examination and appraisal of the purposes, strategies and practices of assessment for and of learning. Attention is focused on the ways in which Māori medium learners and teachers can use information and evidence from classroom activities and selected New Zealand assessment tools, in particular Māori medium tools, to support and further learning and achievement.
Restriction: EDPROFM 214
Pakirehua Ngaio – Te Pouako Pakirehua
Promotes development of a defensible philosophy of learning and teaching that addresses interactions and intersections between and among professional knowledge bases. Examines pedagogical, ethical and contextual factors influencing teaching practice. Facilitates critique of practitioner inquiry with reference to cognate literature and personal philosophy in relation to the final teaching practicum. Examines te reo Māori discourse relevant to pakirehua ngaio contexts.
Prerequisite: EDPROFM 208
To complete this course students must enrol in EDPROFM 307 A and B, or EDPROFM 307
Te Pouako Ngaio
Examines theories, evidence informed practices, and attitudes that are critical to being a professional teacher. Explores concepts such as teacher self-efficacy, teacher inquiry and reflection, and factors that support the transition from student to teacher. Discusses the nature of professionalism, and the impact of expectations on teachers, including ethical obligations and legal requirements.
Prerequisite: EDPRAC 201 or 202 or EDPRACM 201
Corequisite: EDPRAC 305 or 306 or EDPRACM 302
Restriction: EDPROFM 301
Diploma Courses
Te Ao Māori: He tirohanga whakamuri kia ahu whakamua
Introduces socio-political and historical contexts, including Te Tiriti o Waitangi in order to inform understandings of contemporary challenges and aspirations of Māori in educational contexts. Own social locations and cultural beliefs are examined for their impact on teacher practice and outcomes for Māori learners. Learning opportunities that critically integrate Māori language, knowledge and culture are identified and designed.
Restriction: EDPROFST 601
To complete this course students must enrol in EDPROFM 600 A and B, or EDPROFM 600
Postgraduate 700 Level Courses
Being Māori, Thinking Theory
An exploration of theory through a Kaupapa Māori framework. Draws on te reo, tikanga and mātauranga Māori as the foundation for articulating Kaupapa Māori theory as a contemporary theoretical framework of analysis in education.
Teaching Te Reo Māori in English-Medium Contexts
Critically analyse te reo Māori revitalisation strategies and theories of language planning including developing personal te reo Māori development plans. Developing critical knowledge, skills of mātauranga, tikanga and te reo Māori and knowledge of relevant curriculum material. Critique second language acquisition theory and develop teaching approaches that support the learning and teaching of te reo Māori and tikanga in English-medium settings.
Te whakaako i te reo Māori: Teaching te reo Māori
Through an exploration of second language acquisition and pedagogical processes, including an analysis of the latest learning technologies, this course will enable critical reflection on current te reo Māori teaching practices, enhanced language development, and an opportunity to evaluate and strengthen the effectiveness of one's own te reo Māori teaching practice. This course will be taught in te reo Māori.
MEd Thesis - Level 9
To complete this course students must enrol in EDPROFM 796 A and B