Courses - Faculty of Medical And Health Sciences
Health Sciences
Postgraduate 700 Level Courses
Working with People with Long-term Conditions - Level 9
Long-term conditions present one of the most challenging global epidemics of the twenty-first century. This course is designed to support the development of a responsive person-centred healthcare workforce to meet the needs of people living with long-term conditions and to work with them to improve their self-efficacy and health outcomes.
Restriction: NURSING 738
Self-management for People Living with Long-term Conditions - Level 9
Self-management is a key strategy to maximise quality of life for individuals and their families living with long-term conditions. This course is designed to strengthen assessment of self-management, collaborative person centred goal setting and planning. It focuses on developing motivational communication skills and collaborative strengths-based approaches which support efficacy and activation.
Restriction: NURSING 771
Principles of Primary Health Care - Level 9
Assists primary healthcare professionals working in diverse settings to put population health into practice through primary healthcare. Determinants of health, equity, community empowerment, partnerships and effective ways to care for people with long-term conditions in communities will be explored.
Restriction: NURSING 772
Psychological Interventions in Health Care - Level 9
Focuses on increasing health professionals' skills in the use of psychological interventions for people who have acute or long term mental health or physical health problems. Explores evidence-based psychological models, such as Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy and Motivational Interviewing. Illness beliefs that impact on the person's ability to engage effectively with treatment plans, and self-management of their health problem/s, will also be critiqued.
Restriction: NURSING 760, 781
Primary Health Care of Children and Young People - Level 9
Equips healthcare professionals with the knowledge to provide primary and community health care, from a global to a national and local level, for well children and young people and those with long term conditions. All aspects of the course will be underpinned by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Epidemiology, whānau (family) focused partnerships and interventions will be addressed along with the management of common conditions in the 0–25 year age range.
Restriction: NURSING 716, 788
Mental Health and Addiction for Health Professionals - Level 9
Uses a person-focused theoretical framework to explore mental health and addiction problems presenting in non-specialist mental health settings. Conceptualises mental health and addiction problems as frequently co-occurring. Engagement, assessment, collaborative solution focused interventions, referral and care coordination will be explored.
Restriction: NURSPRAC 718, 719
Acute Stroke Care
Students will develop advanced interdisciplinary knowledge about pre-hospital care, diagnosis and hyperacute stroke care, secondary stroke prevention, stroke pathophysiology and management of risk factors. Students will evaluate and critique stroke epidemiology and equity of access to stroke services. Skills in assessment of neurological impairment, rehabilitation needs, and discharge planning will be developed with reference to clinical guidelines and local contexts.
Restriction: NURSPRAC 705
Stroke Rehabilitation
Students will develop knowledge of the biological processes underpinning neurological recovery after stroke. Students will also develop interdisciplinary understanding of assessment and interprofessional treatment strategies for impairments in communication, swallowing, vision, sensation, cognition, mood, continence, and movement. Skills in assessing independence and participation using standard scales will be also be developed for application in clinical practice.
Advanced Stroke Care
Students will evaluate and critique contemporary and evidence-based advanced clinical assessments and decision-making regarding driving, returning to work, and engaging in physical activity after stroke, including the effects of cognition, mood, and fatigue. Students will also develop advanced skills in communicating with patients and whānau on topics including stroke risk factors, self-management and adjusting to life after stroke.
Prerequisite: HLTHSCI 710, 711
Improving Stroke Care
The organisation and conduct of clinical research will be evaluated and critiqued, with specific examples from the stroke research evidence base. Critical thinking skills will be developed and applied to basic research and clinical trials. The role of the healthcare professional in translating research into practice will be explored with reference to contemporary implementation theories, models and frameworks.
Prerequisite: HLTHSCI 710, 711
Stroke Research
Contemporary qualitative and quantitative research methods and clinical trial designs are evaluated and critiqued, with specific examples from the stroke research evidence base. Students will apply this knowledge by formulating a research question and developing a research proposal, including consideration of ethics and institutional approvals, and the timeframe and resources required.
Prerequisite: HLTHSCI 710-713
Research in Practice
Provides students with an in-depth understanding of undertaking research in the health sector. Building on learnings from prerequisite courses, students are supported to operationalise their research through completion of an ethics application as well as collecting and analysing data.
Prerequisite: NURSING 746, 782
Research Project
To complete this course students must enrol in HLTHSCI 789 A and B, or HLTHSCI 789
Dissertation - Level 9
Restriction: HLTHSCI 792
To complete this course students must enrol in HLTHSCI 790 A and B, or HLTHSCI 790
Research Project - Level 9
Clinical knowledge and research skills are applied to undertake a practice-oriented research project. Students will work under the direct supervision of a staff member to define their research question, plan and execute their research activities.
Prerequisite: HLTHSCI 710-714
Research Portfolio - Level 9
Supervised research that represents the personal scholarly work of a student based on a coherent area of inquiry. Culminates in a conclusive piece of work related to a specific area of specialisation or scope of practice.
To complete this course students must enrol in HLTHSCI 793 A and B
Research Project in Health Practice - Level 9
An applied research-based project relating to an aspect of health practice in a specialised community development setting. Students will critically analyse real-world cases and problems and develop evidence-informed, innovative solutions to community health issues through literature search, consultation with community leaders and relevant health professionals and through application of relevant community development and change frameworks.
Prerequisite: 15 points from POPLHLTH 701, 704, 705
To complete this course students must enrol in HLTHSCI 795 A and B, or HLTHSCI 795
Thesis - Level 9
To complete this course students must enrol in HLTHSCI 796 A and B
Research Portfolio - Level 9
Supervised research that represents the personal scholarly work of a student based on a coherent area of inquiry. Culminates in a conclusive piece of work related to a specific area of specialisation or scope of practice.
To complete this course students must enrol in HLTHSCI 797 A and B
Named Doctoral Courses
Research in Action
Extend scholarly capabilities and in-depth understanding in the critique of the major methodological approaches to research investigations in the health sector. This will include Mātauranga Māori and will provide the rationale for the selection of their methodological approach to the investigation of their identified health issue that is the focus of their thesis research.
Prerequisite: HLTHSCI 801
Healthcare Strategy and Planning
Provides advanced skills in key areas necessary for high-performing health leaders at senior and/or executive levels. It will support the development of students’ ability to sustained commitment to the development of new ideas and practices at the forefront of health service delivery in Aotearoa New Zealand and internationally and integration of these concepts into their proposed thesis.
Critical Synthesis of Health Issue
Critically appraise and synthesise the relevant evidence to demonstrate independent and original investigation of the health issue that is the focus of the student’s thesis research, including consideration and integration of Mātauranga Māori.
Prerequisite: HLTHSCI 800, 801
Research Proposal
Integrates detailed understanding of the theory, methodology and professional context for investigating a defined issue within healthcare. The focus of the course is on the development of the proposal for the thesis research. Students will critically review and demonstrate the integration of the proposed research within healthcare practice and service development and the implications of for health equity.
Prerequisite: HLTHSCI 800-802