Courses - Faculty of Medical And Health Sciences
Postgraduate 700 Level Courses
Early Childhood Mental Health
Focuses on the identification, assessment and treatment of early emotional and behavioural problems and their link to the child’s family and preschool environments.
Prerequisite: PSYCHIAT 740, 747, 768, or equivalent
Restriction: PSYCHIAT 771, 772
To complete this course students must enrol in PSYCHIAT 730 A and B, or PSYCHIAT 730
Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
Explores conceptualisations of mental disorder in children and adolescents from a biopsychosocial and developmental perspective. The DSM-5 classification is used as a framework, with consideration of the benefits and disadvantages of an illness model.
Therapy in Child and Adolescent Mental Health – Theory
Covers the range of treatment modalities used in child and adolescent mental health. Rationale and nature of current therapies will be covered. Students will undertake critical appraisal of the evidence base for therapy pertinent to specific clinical situations.
Prerequisite: PSYCHIAT 740
Child and Adolescent Development
Critically appraises and applies theoretical models and research literature on aspects of child and adolescent development important to mental health. For each of four age ranges, the main aspects of development are reviewed and developmentally appropriate ways of working with children are identified.
Youth Addiction and Co-existing Problems
An overview of key principles required to manage alcohol and drug problems within a Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) context. Includes a range of topics including aspects of screening, assessment and brief interventions, harm reduction, an introduction to motivational interviewing, and CBT in addiction treatment.
Assessment, Formulation and Treatment Planning in ICAMH
Involves a combination of theory and practice. Different methods of assessment, including developmentally appropriate history taking and mental state examination, and of formulation and treatment planning, are applied to a range of infant, child, and adolescent mental health (ICAMH) problems.
Corequisite: PSYCHIAT 740, 747
Restriction: PSYCHIAT 748, 749
To complete this course students must enrol in PSYCHIAT 768 A and B, or PSYCHIAT 768
CBT with Children, Adolescents and their Families 1
Explores Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) as an evidence-based treatment for children, adolescents and their families, and covers both theoretical and practical applications of CBT. Specifically designed for New Zealand based practitioners working clinically and/or therapeutically with families, students will learn the CBT model, treatment packages and strategies for depression and anxiety. There is also a strong focus on culturally appropriate interventions (especially those appropriate for Māori).
Prerequisite: PSYCHIAT 740, 747
CBT with Children, Adolescents and their Families 2
Examines advanced knowledge and skills applied to complex disorders. Builds on PSYCHIAT 769 and further extends the practitioner's knowledge and skill base to include more complex issues of Trauma, Anger, DBD, Self-esteem, OCD and Personality. The strong cultural focus continues, with issues for Māori families being considered in more depth. Students will also have access to New Zealand CBT resources and practice more in-depth CBT skills.
Prerequisite: PSYCHIAT 769
Youth Forensic Psychiatry
Students develop an in-depth understanding of offending, particularly for youth offenders, and the relationship to mental illness. Addresses key roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders and members of the multidisciplinary team in the justice and youth justice systems.
To complete this course students must enrol in PSYCHIAT 773 A and B, or PSYCHIAT 773