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Fees and Fees Statute 2001

The new Faculty of Arts and Education and the expanded Faculty of Engineering and Design were established on 1 January 2025. These regulations/schedules reflect the previous faculty names in existence in 2024. The information relating to individual programmes and courses has not changed and is correct.

Fees Statute 2001

1 Title and Commencement

This statute may be cited as the Fees Statute 2001 and came into force on 1 January 2001.

2 Interpretation

In this statute unless the context otherwise requires:

‘Act’ means the Education and Training Act 2020.

‘Council’ means the Council of the University of Auckland.

‘Deletions’ means the deletion of a course from the student’s academic record as specified in the Enrolment and Programme Regulations.

‘Domestic Student’ has the meaning given in the Act.

‘Due Date’ is the date specified on the Fees Account and/or on the student’s account available through Student Services Online.

‘Enrol’ has a corresponding meaning.

‘Enrolment’ means enrolment in a programme or course at the University.

‘Enrolment and Programme Regulations’ are the Regulations governing enrolment and all associated activity such as, but not limited to, definitions of full-time and part-time study, restrictions to enrolment and changes to current enrolments after closing date.

‘Fees Account’ means an invoice or an invoice/statement, or online invoice/statement for the fees and charges payable by a Student as a condition of enrolment.

‘International Student’ has the meaning given in the Act.

‘Staff Member’ means a member of the staff of the University.

‘Student’ includes a Domestic Student and an International Student who is:

a duly enrolled as a Student of the University


b applying to enrol as a Student of the University.

‘Student Loan’ has the same meaning as it has in section 2 of the Student Loan Scheme Act 2011.

‘Student Services Fee’ means the fee paid by an enrolled Student for Student Support Services provided by the University.

‘University’ means the University of Auckland constituted under the University of Auckland Act 1961.

‘University Services’ means those services provided by the University that can be accessed by a Student on request or application, such as enrolment, the provision of an official academic transcript or other services such as (but not limited to) accommodation, health care or library.

‘Withdrawals’ of courses may be approved as outlined in the Enrolment and Programme Regulations.

3 Tuition Fees

3.1 The Council may prescribe from time to time Tuition Fees payable by:

a Domestic Students; in compliance with section 256 of the Act


b International Students or any categories of International Students; in compliance with section 526 of the Act.

3.2 Tuition Fees may be prescribed either by resolution of the Council or by a schedule to this statute.

3.3 The Tuition Fees prescribed by the Council at the date when this statute comes into force apply until other Tuition Fees are prescribed in place or in addition to them.

4 General Fees

4.1 The Council hereby prescribes the General Fees specified in the schedule.

4.2 The Council may from time to time by resolution vary the amount of, or delete, any General Fee specified in the schedule or prescribe any additional General Fee.

4.3 Any such variation, deletion, or addition shall apply from the date specified in the amending resolution.

5 Additional Fees/Charges

Faculties and Departments of the University may impose charges to recover costs in providing Students with non-compulsory services incidental to courses or programmes.

6 Payment of Fees and Charges

6.1 Tuition Fees, General Fees and any other charges imposed pursuant to section 5 that are included on the Student’s Fees Account must be paid by the Student.

6.2 All Students must pay the full amount on their Fees Account by the due date.

6.3 Charges imposed on a Student pursuant to section 5 that are not included in a Fees Account shall be paid by the Student on demand.

6.4 Any instalment of a Student Loan (within the meaning of the Student Loan Scheme Act 2011) that is available to a Student and received by the University in respect of their enrolment shall be applied toward payment of the Student Fees Account on the occasion of that enrolment.

7 Refunds or Credits

7.1 The Council may by resolution prescribe from time to time in accordance with sections 256 and 526 of the Act:

a the circumstances in which Domestic Students and International Students are or may be entitled to a refund or credit of all or any part of the Tuition Fees and General Fees paid or payable to the Council


b the quantum of those refunds.

7.2 The circumstances in which a refund or credit may be made and the quantum of that refund or credit that is applicable when this statute comes into force continue until a change is prescribed by resolution.

7.3 The Council will take all reasonable steps to ensure that both Domestic Students and International Students are informed of the circumstances in which they are or may be entitled to any refund or credit of all or any part of the fees that have been paid or are payable by them to the Council.

7.4 The refund or credit of all or any part of a Tuition Fee or a General Fee that was paid by Student Loan shall be applied in reduction of that loan.

7.5 In the case where a credit balance is insufficient to cover the total amount of the refund processing fee or administration fee, the fee will be adjusted to equal the amount of the credit balance.

7.6 In the event the University ceases to provide the courses in which the Student is enrolled then the University will delete the enrolments and process any refund or credit in accordance with the Enrolment and Programme Regulations and without deduction of or requirement to pay a refund fee.

8 Non-payment of Fees and Charges

8.1 Where a Student does not pay:

a the Fees Account rendered to that Student


b a charge for that Student imposed under section 5 on demand;

then, until those fees and charges are paid in full and without prejudice to the right to recover the unpaid fees or charges at law, the Council may:

(i) delete the enrolment of that Student from a course or courses

(ii) withhold the formal notification of the final grades of the Student

(iii) decline to re-enrol the Student

(iv) decline to release the Student’s official academic transcript

(v) exclude that Student from the University

(vi) withhold any Degree or Diploma certificate from that Student

(vii) restrict that student’s access to University Services

(viii) charge a late payment fee

(ix) impose additional charges to recover legal and collection costs where a third party is engaged to recover those fees and charges.

8.2 Application for Reinstatement

a A Student upon whom a penalty is imposed under section 8.1b(i) may apply to have their enrolment reinstated upon payment of the outstanding amount owing and the course reinstatement fee as outlined in Schedule – Part A.

b To be eligible to complete course requirements, a Student must apply for course reinstatement no later than two weeks before the beginning of the examination period within the semester which enrolment in the course(s) took place.

8.3 A Student upon whom a penalty is imposed under section 8.1 may by giving written notice to the Director, Student and Academic Services within eight days of the penalty having been imposed, apply to the Council or duly constituted Committee of the Council to review the imposition of that penalty. The notice must set out the reasons for the review. The decision of the Council or its Committee is final.

9 Non-attendance

A Student who stops attending lectures or classes in a course or courses remains liable for the fees prescribed for that course or courses.
