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Conferment of Academic Qualifications and Academic Dress Statute and Availability of Academic Dress

Conferment of Academic Qualifications and Academic Dress Statute 1992

The new Faculty of Arts and Education and the expanded Faculty of Engineering and Design were established on 1 January 2025. These regulations/schedules reflect the previous faculty names in existence in 2024. The information relating to individual programmes and courses has not changed and is correct.

1 Every degree and every diploma of the University shall be conferred or awarded in pursuance of a resolution of the Council and at a meeting of the Council.

2 Every degree and every diploma of the University shall be conferred or awarded by the Chancellor, or if they are absent from the meeting or incapacitated by sickness or otherwise, by the Vice-Chancellor or Pro-Chancellor. The Council may also authorise another person to confer degrees or award diplomas at a particular ceremony.

3 Every recipient of a degree shall receive a certificate in appropriate form, under the Common Seal of the University, that their degree has been conferred and stating the class of honours (if any awarded), or whether it has been awarded with Distinction or Merit.

4 Every diploma shall be in appropriate form under the Common Seal of the University and state, where relevant, whether it has been awarded with Distinction or Merit.

5 At a specified time or times each year the Council shall meet in convocation of the University to confer degrees and award diplomas. Persons wishing to have their degree conferred or diploma awarded (whether in person or in absentia) at such a ceremony must apply in accordance with the dates specified on the University website.

6 The form of words to be used by the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Chancellor or such other person as may have been appointed by the Council to confer degrees or to award diplomas shall be as follows:

a Degrees

‘By the authority vested in me by resolution of the University of Auckland Council I [NAME], [POSITION], confer the degrees stated upon those who, within their several faculties, have satisfied the requirements of this University.’

b Diplomas

By the authority vested in me by resolution of the University of Auckland Council I [NAME], [POSITION], award the diplomas stated upon those who, within their several faculties, have satisfied the requirements of this University.’

7 In appropriate circumstances, the form of words to be used by the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Chancellor or such other person as may have been appointed by the Council to confer degrees and to award diplomas shall be as follows: ‘By the authority vested in me by resolution of the University of Auckland Council I [NAME], [POSITION], confer the degrees and award the diplomas stated upon those who, within their several faculties, have satisfied the requirements of this University.’

8 The academic dress worn by members of the University at any public ceremony of the University shall be the costume appropriate to their degree, but doctors may on special occasions wear a scarlet gown and graduates admitted ad eundem statum may wear the academic costume of their own university. Unless the holder of a diploma is also a graduate the only academic dress they may wear is an undergraduate gown and the scarf appropriate to their diploma.

9 The academic costumes of the University of Auckland shall be as follows:

a The robe for the Chancellor of the University is a blue damask gown with facings of gold lace, bearing on each shoulder the coat of arms of the University. The cap is a black velvet trencher with gold lace and tassel. The robe for the Pro-Chancellor is a black gown with facings of blue silk and gold lace, bearing on each shoulder the coat of arms. The cap is a black velvet trencher with gold tassel. The robe for the Vice-Chancellor is a blue silk gown with facings of silver lace, bearing on each shoulder the coat of arms. The cap is a black velvet trencher with silver lace and tassel. The robe for the Registrar is a gown of black silk with facings of blue silk, bearing on each shoulder the coat of arms. The cap is a black velvet trencher with a black silk tassel. The robe for the Kaumatua and the Kuia is the Fellows gown of the colour University blue to be worn with a black scarf lined with the colour University blue bearing on each lapel the coat of arms. The cap is a black velvet trencher with a black silk tassel. The academic dress for Graduation Officials shall be the costume appropriate to their degree. In addition, the gown shall bear on each shoulder the coat of arms of the University, and the trencher shall have a blue tassel. Graduation Officials who are not graduates shall wear an undergraduate gown bearing the coat of arms of the University on each shoulder.

b The gown for a Bachelors degree is as for the Cambridge Bachelor of Arts. The gown for a Masters degree is as for the Cambridge Master of Arts. The hood for every degree is the size and shape as for the Cambridge Master of Arts. The hood for a Bachelors degree is lined with coloured satin and bordered with white fur. The hood for a Masters degree is lined with coloured satin only. The hoods for the Bachelors and Masters degrees are as follows:

BA, MA pink lining
BA(Hons) pink lining; 25mm pink band on the outside edge of the hood
BC, MC pink lining; 25mm emerald green band on the edge of the satin
BTheol, MTheol forest green lining
BTheol(Hons) forest green lining; 25mm forest green band on the outside edge of the hood
MCTS pink lining; 75mm dark brown band on the edge of the satin
MCW  pink lining; 25mm tan band on the edge of the satin
MIndigSt pink lining; 25mm terracotta band on the edge of the satin
MLitt  pink lining; 75mm pink band on the outside edge of the hood
MPP pink lining; 25mm dark brown band on the edge of the satin
MTESOL pink lining; 25mm light brown band on the edge of the satin
pink lining; 25mm silver grey band on the edge of the satin
Business and Economics
BCom, MCom orange lining
BCom(Hons) orange lining; 25mm orange band on the outside edge of the hood
BProp, MProp silver grey lining
BProp(Hons) silver grey lining; 25mm silver grey band on the outside edge of the hood
MAppFin silver grey hood; 25mm tan band on the edge of the satin
MBA burgundy lining
MBM burgundy lining; 25mm terracotta band on inside edge
MBusAn burgundy lining; 25mm dark brown band on inside edge 
MBusDev burgundy lining; 25mm tan band on inside edge
MHRM orange hood with 25mm dark brown band on the inside edge of the hood
MInfoGov silver grey lining; 25mm terracotta band on inside edge
MIntBus orange lining; 25mm light brown band on the edge of the satin
MMgt orange lining; 25mm tan band on the edge of the satin
MMktg  orange lining; 25mm burgundy band on the edge of the satin
MProfAcctg orange lining; 25mm orange band on the outside edge of the hood
MPropPrac silver grey lining; 25mm dark brown band on inside edge 
Creative Arts and Industries
BAS, MAS  lemon lining
BDanceSt jade green lining
BDanceSt(Hons) jade green lining; 25mm jade green band on the outside of the hood
BDes, MDes gold lining; 25mm silver band on the edge of the satin
BFA, MFA gold lining
BFA(Hons) gold lining; 25mm gold band on the outside edge of the hood
BMus, MMus white lining
BMus(Hons) white lining; 25mm white band on the outside edge of the hood
BUrbPlan(Hons)  lime green lining; 25mm lime green band on the outside edge of the hood
MArch lemon lining; two 25mm lemon bands, 25mm apart, on the outside edge of the hood
MArch(Prof) lemon lining; 25mm lemon band on the outside edge of the hood
MArch(Prof)HerCons lemon lining; 25mm turquoise band on the edge of the satin
MArch(Prof)UrbDes lemon lining; 25mm tan band on the edge of the satin
MArch(Prof)UrbPlan(Prof) lemon lining; 25mm light brown lining on the edge of the satin
MCommDance jade green hood with 25mm dark brown band on the edge of the satin
MDanceSt jade green lining; 25mm dark brown band on the outside edge of the hood
MDMT jade green hood with 25mm tan band on the edge of the satin
MUrbDes lemon lining; 25mm chartreuse green band on the edge of the satin
MUrbPlan lime green lining; 25mm light brown band on the edge of the satin
MUrbPlan(Prof)HerCons lime green lining; 25mm turquoise band on the edge of the satin
MUrbPlan(Prof)UrbDes lime green lining; 25mm lemon band on the edge of the satin
Education and Social Work
BECSt emerald green lining; 25mm rose gold-copper band on the inside edge
BEd, MEd emerald green lining
BEd(Tchg) emerald green lining
BEd(Tchg)(Hons) emerald green lining; 25mm emerald green band on the outside edge of the hood
BEd(TESOL) emerald green lining; 25mm dark brown band on the edge of the satin
BHumServ buff lining; 25mm light brown band on the edge of the satin
BPE emerald green lining; 25mm light brown band on the edge of the satin
BSportHPE emerald green lining; 25mm light brown band on the edge of the satin
BSW buff lining
BSW(Hons) buff lining; 25mm buff band on the outside edge of the hood
MCouns buff lining; 25mm tan band on the edge of the satin
MEdLd emerald green lining; 25mm tan band on the edge of the satin
emerald green lining with 25mm dark brown band on the edge of the satin
MHigherEd emerald green lining; 50mm emerald green band on the outside edge of the hood
MProfSup buff hood; 25mm light brown band on the edge of the satin
MProfSupPrac buff hood; 25mm lilac band on the edge of the satin
MSCL buff lining; 25mm terracotta band on the edge of the satin
MSW buff lining
MSW(Prof) buff lining; 25mm buff band on the outside edge of the hood
MTchg(Primary) emerald green lining; 25mm emerald green band on the outside edge of the hood
MTchg(Secondary) emerald green lining; 25mm emerald green band on the outside edge of the hood
BE, ME dark violet lining
BE(Hons) dark violet lining; 25mm dark violet band on the outside edge of the hood
MAerospaceEng dark violet lining; 25mm light brown band on the inside edge
MCivilEng dark violet lining
MEMgt dark violet lining; 25mm dark brown band on the edge of the satin
MEngSt dark violet lining; 25mm light brown band on the edge of the satin
MEPM dark violet lining with 25mm tan band on the edge of the satin
MEqEng violet lining; terracotta band on the edge of the satin
MInfraAssetMgt dark violet lining
MMaterialsEng dark violet lining
MMedicalEng dark violet lining
MProfEng dark violet lining
MRobotEng dark violet lining; 25mm light brown band on the inside edge
BGlobalSt, MGlobalSt turquoise lining
MBioEnt dark blue lining; 25mm orange band on the edge of the satin
MDisMgt  dark violet lining; 25mm dark brown band on the edge of the satin
MEnergy dark violet lining; 25mm dark blue band on the outside edge of the hood
MEngGeol dark blue lining; 25mm dark violet band on the edge of the satin
MHerCons lemon lining; 25mm pink band on the edge of the satin
MAI dark blue lining; 25mm dark violet band on the edge of the satin
MMathModel dark blue lining; 25mm dark violet band on the edge of the satin
MORAn dark violet lining; 25mm taupe band on the edge of the satin
MProfStuds pink lining; 25mm taupe band on the edge of the satin
MRegDev emerald green; 25mm turquoise band on the edge of the satin
LLB, LLM light blue lining
LLB(Hons) light blue lining; 25mm light blue band on the outside edge of the hood
MIP light blue lining; 25mm dark blue band on the edge of the satin
MLS light blue lining; 25mm tan band on the edge of the satin
MTaxS orange lining; 25mm dark brown band on the edge of the satin
Medical and Health Sciences
BBiomedSc(Hons) lilac lining; 75mm dark brown band on the edge of the satin and a 25mm lilac band on the outside edge of the hood
BHSc, MHSc lilac lining
BHSc(Hons) lilac lining; 25mm lilac band on the outside edge of the hood
MBChB crimson lining; two 25mm crimson bands, 25mm apart, on the outside edge of the hood
BMedImag(Hons) lilac hood; 25mm violet band with a lilac band on the outside
BMedSc(Hons) crimson lining; 25mm crimson band on the outside edge of the hood
BNurs, MNurs navy blue lining
BNurs(Hons) navy blue lining; 25mm navy blue band on the outside edge of the hood
BOptom blue-green lining
BPharm grey-green lining
BPharm(Hons) grey-green lining; 25mm grey-green band on the outside of the hood
MAud lilac lining; 25mm dark brown band on the edge of the satin
MBiomedSc lilac lining; 75mm dark brown band on the edge of the satin
MClinEd crimson lining; 25mm dark brown band on the edge of the satin
MClinPharm grey-green lining; 25mm dark brown band on the edge of the satin
MHealthPsych lilac lining; 25mm tan band on the edge of the satin
MHlthLd lilac lining; 25mm terracotta band on the edge of the satin
MHlthPrac lilac lining with 25mm dark brown band on the outside edge
MNSc navy blue lining; 25mm teal band on the edge of the satin
MNursPrac navy blue lining; 25mm dark brown band on the edge of the satin
MPH lilac lining; 25mm crimson band on the edge of the satin
MPharmPrac grey-green lining; 25mm dark brown band on the edge of the satin
MStrokeCare lilac lining; 25mm navy blue band on the edge of the satin
BAdvSci(Hons) dark blue lining; 75mm dark blue band on the outside edge of the hood
BSc, MSc dark blue lining
BSc(Hons) dark blue lining; 25mm dark blue band on the outside edge of the hood
MBehAnalysis TBC
MBiotech dark blue lining; 25mm midnight blue band on the edge of the satin
MChem dark blue lining; 25mm midnight blue band on the edge of the satin
MClinExPhys dark blue lining; 25mm midnight blue band on the edge of the satin
MDataSci dark blue lining; 25mm midnight blue band on the edge of the satin
MEcology dark blue lining; 25mm midnight blue band on the edge of the satin
MEngGeol dark blue lining; 25mm dark violet band on the edge of the satin
MEnvMgt dark blue lining; 25mm midnight blue band on the edge of the satin
MEnvSci dark blue lining; 25mm midnight blue band on the edge of the satin
MFoodSci dark blue lining; 25mm midnight blue band on the edge of the satin
MInfoTech dark blue lining; 25mm light brown band on the edge of the satin
MMarineCons dark blue lining; 25mm midnight blue band on the edge of the satin
MMarineSt dark blue lining; 25mm terracotta band on the edge of the satin
MOrgPsych dark blue lining; 25mm midnight blue band on the edge of the satin
MPhysioPrac blue hood; 25mm crimson band on the edge of the satin
MSLTPrac dark blue lining; 25mm dark brown band on the edge of the satin
MWineSci dark blue lining; 25mm midnight blue band on the edge of the satin

c The hood for a Bachelor with Honours degree is as for the relevant Bachelors degree, with the addition of a 25mm ribbon band on the outside of the hood, alongside the fur. The colour of the ribbon band is the same colour as the lining.

The hood for a Bachelors degree for which the prerequisite is another Bachelors degree within the same faculty is as for a Bachelor with Honours degree, with the addition of a second 25mm band at a distance of 25mm from the first band. Both bands are the same colour as the lining.

When a new Bachelors or Masters degree is introduced within a faculty, the main hood colour shall be that of the predominant existing colour used for that faculty’s Bachelors or Masters qualifications. The hood for the new qualification may be distinguished through the use of bands or stripes of a width and colour to be determined by consultation between the faculty and the Office of Graduation and approved by Council.

The hood for an Interfaculty Bachelors degree or Masters degree is lined with the predominant colour of the faculty primarily responsible for the degree, with the addition of a 25mm ribbon band on the edge of the satin. Where there are two faculties involved, the colour of the ribbon band is the predominant colour of the hood lining of the second faculty. Where more than two faculties are involved, the hood for the new qualification may be distinguished through the use of bands or stripes of a width and colour to be determined by consultation between the faculty and the Office of Graduation and approved by Council.

d The gown for the degrees of Doctor of Clinical Psychology, Doctor of Education, Doctor of Fine Arts, Doctor of Health Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Music, Doctor of Musical Arts and Doctor of Pharmacy is as for the Cambridge Master of Arts with the addition of facings of 50mm wide satin. The hood is made wholly of satin and this and the facings of the gown are of the following colours for the different degrees:

Clinical Psychology dark blue
Education emerald green
Fine Arts gold
Health Sciences
Medical Sciences
Medicine crimson
Music white
Musical Arts white
Pharmacy grey-green

e The gown for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy is as for the Cambridge Master of Arts, with the addition of 100mm satin facings, made up of 75mm of scarlet edged with 25mm of gold. The hood is made wholly of scarlet satin.

f The gown for the degrees of Doctor of Engineering, Doctor of Laws, Doctor of Literature, and Doctor of Science is as for the Cambridge Master of Arts, but is made of black silk, or scarlet silk or cloth. The hood is made wholly of satin, and is of the following colours for the different degrees:

Engineering dark violet
Laws light blue
Literature pink
Science dark blue

g The cap for all graduates other than Doctors and the officers of the University is a black trencher with a tassel. The cap for all Doctors other than officers of the University is as for the full dress Cambridge Doctor of Philosophy, namely a round black velvet bonnet with a gold cord around the crown ending in tassels.

Note: The colour of the lining of the hood for the Degree of Master of Philosophy is that of the closest Masters degree to which the subject of the MPhil relates.

h The scarf for a diploma is to be made of the same black material as the gown with a band of colour in plain satin as in existing hoods down the centre edge. The colour is to match the degree cluster most closely associated with the diploma. The lining is to be the same colour as the band. The width of the scarf at the base is to be 140mm in total, the black being 100mm and the colour 40mm, and narrowing behind the neck. A band of the lining colour is to be stepped down from the inside edge to the outside edge of the black material at the base of each side of the scarf. The diploma scarves are as follows:

Architecture lemon band and lining
Arts pink band and lining
Business and Economics burgundy band and lining
Creative and Performing Arts pink band and lining
Education emerald green band and lining
Engineering dark violet band and lining
Fine Arts gold band and lining
Laws light blue band and lining
Medical and Health Sciences crimson band and lining
Music white band and lining
Pharmacy grey-green band and lining
Planning chartreuse green band and lining
Property silver grey band and lining
Science dark blue band and lining
Theology forest green band and lining

i The gown for the honorary degrees of Doctor of Engineering, Doctor of Laws, Doctor of Literature, Doctor of Music, Doctor of Science and Doctor of the University of Auckland is as for the Cambridge Master of Arts, but is made of scarlet satin. The hood is made wholly of satin, and is one of the following colours for the different degrees:

Engineering dark violet
Laws light blue
Literature pink
Music white
Science dark blue
The University of Auckland University blue

10 Regalia specifications for degrees and diplomas that have been deleted from this Statute can be found in previous editions of the University Calendar.

11 The gown for a Fellow of the University of Auckland will be an undergraduate gown of the colour University Blue bearing on the left front lapel the coat of arms of the University. No hood or cap shall be worn.

Availability of Academic Dress

The Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust trading as Academic Dress Hire owns a stock of academic gowns, hoods, scarves, trenchers and Tudor bonnets. These are available for hire Monday to Friday from 8.30am until 5pm throughout the year. Details may be obtained from Academic Dress Hire, 17 George Street, Newmarket, or

A student completing the requirements for a degree or diploma will receive information regarding the hire of academic dress for the graduation ceremony with their invitation to apply to graduate.
