General Education Regulations And Schedules
General Education Regulations
The new Faculty of Arts and Education and the expanded Faculty of Engineering and Design were established on 1 January 2025. These regulations/schedules reflect the previous faculty names in existence in 2024. The information relating to individual programmes and courses has not changed and is correct.
1 Students required to include General Education in their programme must pass courses as specified in the General Education Regulations and Schedules for their programme.
2 a A student will not meet the General Education requirement for their programme if they complete a General Education course with the same subject code as any non-General Education course they have previously passed, or are already enrolled in.
b A student will not meet the General Education requirement for their programme if they subsequently enrol in and pass a course with the same subject code as a General Education course which has been passed for their programme, unless the subsequent course is either another General Education course or is assigned to a different programme. Where appropriate the student may be able to use previously completed General Education course(s) to meet another degree requirement. This regulation does not apply to the following courses
(i) LAW 121G, 131, and 141 provided no other courses from Parts II–IV of the LLB were completed
(ii) EDUC 100G for students enrolled in the BEd(Tchg).
c A student who transfers programmes can meet the General Education requirement of their new programme using a course in a subject in which they have passed more than one course if the only courses in that subject credited or reassigned to their new programme are General Education courses.
d ANTHRO 106G does not meet the General Education requirement for the Bachelor of Music or Bachelor of Music conjoints.
e DISABLTY 113G does not meet the General Education requirement for the Bachelor of Human Services or the Bachelor of Social Work.
3 Language courses do not satisfy the General Education requirement for a student who has prior knowledge of the language (for example, as a native speaker, through formal or informal study, or through living with others who speak the language). A student with prior knowledge of the language may be declined enrolment or the enrolment may be deleted at the discretion of the Academic Head or nominee.
4 a A student who is required to meet the Academic English Language Requirement through the completion of an approved academic English Language course, as specified in the Enrolment and Programme Regulations, Academic English Language Requirement, of the University Calendar, may substitute one of ACADENG 100, 101, 104, ENGWRIT 101 for 15 points of General Education.
b In exceptional circumstances approval may be given by the relevant Associate Dean Academic for a student who has already met the Academic English Language Requirement to substitute one of ACADENG 100, 101, 104, ENGWRIT 101 for 15 points of General Education.
(i) Some courses available for General Education are also available as part of regular degree requirements. The content and assessment for both occurrences of the course are the same. A student must enrol in the General Education offering of a course in order to meet the General Education requirements of their programme.
(ii) Some General Education courses have limits on the number of students who can enrol. Places in these courses will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
General Education courses approved for all undergraduate programmes
Students can also choose courses from the General Education Faculty Schedule(s) approved for their degree.
Courses available (15 points):
ACCTG 151G Financial Literacy
Arts General
ARTSGEN 103G Ko Wai Tātou? Who Are We?
ASTRO 200G Astrobiology
Biological Sciences
BIOSCI 100G Antarctica: The Frozen Continent
CHINESE 100G Beginning Modern Chinese 1
Cook Islands Māori
COOKIS 101G Introduction to Cook Islands Māori
DESIGN 102G Design for Sustainable Futures
Disability Studies
DISABLTY 113G* Making Disabilities: The Construction of Ideas
DRAMA 100G Presentation and Performance Skills: Taking the Stage
EDUC 100G The Creative Process
EDUC 105G Teaching: Tales and Traditions
ENGLISH 121G Reading/Writing/Text
Exercise Sciences
EXERSCI 100G Exercise and Fitness: Myths and Reality
Fine Arts
FINEARTS 109G Introduction to Photographic Practice
FINEARTS 211G Understanding Contemporary Fashion Design
FRENCH 101G Introductory French Language 1
Gender Studies
GENDER 101G Gender: Global and Local
GEOG 104G Cities and Urbanism
GERMAN 101G German Language Introductory 1
Global Studies
GLOBAL 101G Global Issues, Sustainable Futures
INNOVATE 100G Innovation through Design
ITALIAN 100G Introductory Italian Language
ITALIAN 106G Italian Language for Beginners 1
JAPANESE 130G Japanese Language 1A
KOREAN 110G Korean for Beginners 1
LATIN 100G Introduction to Latin Language 1
Māori Studies
MĀORI 101G Introduction to Written Māori
MĀORI 130G Te Ao Māori / The Māori World
Marine Science
MARINE 100G The Oceans Around Us
Medical Science
MEDSCI 100G Human Mind and Body Relationships
MEDSCI 101G Environmental Threats to Human Health
PHARMACY 111G Drugs and Society
PHIL 105G Critical Thinking
PHYSICS 100G Models and Reality
Population Health
POPLHLTH 103G Epidemics: Black Death to Bioterrorism
RUSSIAN 100G Beginners’ Russian 1
SAMOAN 101G Samoan Language 1
Science General
SCIGEN 101G Communicating in a Knowledge Society
SCIGEN 102G Contemporary Science in Aotearoa New Zealand
SPANISH 104G Beginners’ Spanish 1
Sport Studies
SPORT 100G Sport in Society
SUSTAIN 100G Sustainability and Us
Theological and Religious Studies
THEOREL 101G The Bible and Popular Culture
TONGAN 101G Tongan Language 1
Transdisciplinary – Artificial Intelligence and Society
TDAIS 100 Artificial Intelligence and Society
Transdisciplinary – Democracy in the 21st Century
TDDEM 100 Democracy in the 21st Century
Transdisciplinary – Migration Futures
TDMIGR 100 Migration Futures
Transdisciplinary – Our Environmental Futures: Te Taiao Tāngata
TDENVF 100 Our Environmental Futures: Te Taiao Tāngata
Transdisciplinary – Tagata Moana, Tangata Whenua: Hawaiki Futures
TDMOANA 100 Tagata Moana, Tangata Whenua: Hawaiki Futures
Transdisciplinary – The Future of Food
TDFOOD 100 The Future of Food
* Please refer to Regulation 2e in the General Education Regulations.
General Education courses approved for the following degrees:
Faculty of Arts: BA, BC, BTheol
Interfaculty: BGlobalSt
Conjoint degrees: BA/BC, BA/BCom, BA/BDes, BA/BE(Hons), BA/BFA, BA/BFA(Hons), BA/BGlobalSt, BA/BHSc, BA/BMus, BA/BSc, BA/LLB, BA/LLB(Hons), BAdvSci(Hons)/BA, BAdvSci(Hons)/BC, BAdvSci(Hons)/BGlobalSt, BC/BCom, BC/BE(Hons), BC/BFA, BC/BGlobalSt, BC/BHSc, BC/BSc, BC/LLB, BC/LLB(Hons), BCom/BGlobalSt, BDes/BGlobalSt, BE(Hons)/BGlobalSt, BFA/BGlobalSt, BGlobalSt/BMus, BGlobalSt/BSc, BGlobalSt/LLB, BGlobalSt/LLB(Hons)
Students can also choose courses from the General Education Open Schedule. Students enrolled in a conjoint degree can choose from the Open Schedule or from either Faculty Schedule relevant to their degree.
Courses available (15 points):
ASTRO 100G Planets, Stars and Galaxies
CHEM 100G Molecules that Changed the World
Computer Science
COMPSCI 111G An Introduction to Practical Computing
Dance Studies
DANCE 101G Introduction to Dance and Creative Processes
Earth Sciences
EARTHSCI 105G Earth’s Natural Hazards
ECON 151G Understanding the Global Economy
Environmental Physics
ENVPHYS 100G Sun, Sand and Surf: Science of Aotearoa
International Business
INTBUS 151G Business across Borders
LAW 121G Law and Society
Māori Studies
MĀORI 103G Introduction to Spoken Māori
MKTG 151G Essential Marketing
MUS 144G Turning-points in Western Music
MUS 149G Rock to Reggae: Tracking Popular Music in New Zealand
PSYCH 109G Mind, Brain and Behaviour
General Education courses approved for the following degrees:
Faculty of Business and Economics: BCom, BProp
Interfaculty: BGlobalSt
Conjoint degrees: BA/BCom, BA/BGlobalSt, BAdvSci(Hons)/BCom, BAdvSci(Hons)/BGlobalSt, BAdvSci(Hons)/BProp, BC/BCom, BCom/BDes, BCom/BE(Hons), BCom/BFA, BCom/BGlobalSt, BCom/BHSc, BCom/BMus, BCom/BProp, BCom/BSc, BCom/BSportHPE, BCom/LLB, BCom/LLB(Hons), BDes/BProp, BE(Hons)/BGlobalSt, BE(Hons)/BProp, BGlobalSt/BSc, BGlobalSt/LLB, BGlobalSt/LLB(Hons), BProp/BSc, BProp/LLB, BProp/LLB(Hons)
Students can also choose courses from the General Education Open Schedule. Students enrolled in a conjoint degree can choose from the Open Schedule or from either Faculty Schedule relevant to their degree.
Courses available (15 points):
ASTRO 100G Planets, Stars and Galaxies
CHEM 100G Molecules that Changed the World
Classical Studies and Ancient History
ANCIENT 110G Classical Mythology
Dance Studies
DANCE 101G Introduction to Dance and Creative Processes
Earth Sciences
EARTHSCI 105G Earth’s Natural Hazards
EDUC 121G How People Learn
Environmental Physics
ENVPHYS 100G Sun, Sand and Surf: Science of Aotearoa
Environmental Science
ENVSCI 101G Environment, Science and Management
HISTORY 103G Global History
LAW 121G Law and Society
LINGUIST 101G Language, Mind and Society
Māori Studies
MĀORI 103G Introduction to Spoken Māori
MUS 144G Turning-points in Western Music
MUS 149G Rock to Reggae: Tracking Popular Music in New Zealand
Pacific Studies
PACIFIC 100G Te Moana-nui-ā-Kiwa/Pacific Worlds
PSYCH 109G Mind, Brain and Behaviour
SOCIOL 101G Understanding Aotearoa New Zealand
Translation Studies
TRANSLAT 100G Translation for Global Citizens
Youth Work
YOUTHWRK 152G Understanding New Zealand Youth
General Education courses approved for the following degrees:
Faculty of Creative Arts and Industries: BAS, BDanceSt, BDes, BFA, BFA(Hons), BMus, BUrbPlan(Hons)
Faculty of Law: LLB, LLB(Hons)
Conjoint degrees: BA/BDes, BA/BFA, BA/BFA(Hons), BA/BMus, BA/LLB, BA/LLB(Hons), BAdvSci(Hons)/BDes, BAdvSci(Hons)/BFA, BAdvSci(Hons)/BMus, BAdvSci(Hons)/LLB, BAdvSci(Hons)/LLB(Hons), BC/BFA, BC/LLB, BC/LLB(Hons), BCom/BDes, BCom/BFA, BCom/BMus, BCom/LLB, BCom/LLB(Hons), BDes/BE(Hons), BDes/BFA, BDes/BGlobalSt, BDes/BHSc, BDes/BMus, BDes/BProp, BDes/BSc, BDes/LLB, BDes/LLB(Hons), BE(Hons)/BFA, BE(Hons)/BMus, BFA/BGlobalSt, BFA/BHSc, BFA/BMus, BFA/BSc, BFA/LLB, BFA/LLB(Hons), BGlobalSt/BMus, BHSc/LLB, BHSc/ LLB(Hons), BMus/BSc, BMus/LLB, BMus/LLB(Hons), BProp/LLB, BProp/LLB(Hons), BSc/LLB, BSc/LLB(Hons)
Students can also choose courses from the General Education Open Schedule. Students enrolled in a conjoint degree can choose from the Open Schedule or from either Faculty Schedule relevant to their degree.
Courses available (15 points):
ASTRO 100G Planets, Stars and Galaxies
CHEM 100G Molecules that Changed the World
Classical Studies and Ancient History
ANCIENT 110G Classical Mythology
Dance Studies
DANCE 101G Introduction to Dance and Creative Processes
Earth Sciences
EARTHSCI 105G Earth’s Natural Hazards
ECON 151G Understanding the Global Economy
EDUC 121G How People Learn
Environmental Physics
ENVPHYS 100G Sun, Sand and Surf: Science of Aotearoa
HISTORY 103G Global History
International Business
INTBUS 151G Business across Borders
LAW 121G Law and Society
LINGUIST 101G Language, Mind and Society
Māori Studies
MĀORI 103G Introduction to Spoken Māori
MKTG 151G Essential Marketing
MUS 144G Turning-points in Western Music
MUS 149G Rock to Reggae: Tracking Popular Music in New Zealand
Pacific Studies
PACIFIC 100G Te Moana-nui-ā-Kiwa/Pacific Worlds
Politics and International Relations
POLITICS 107G New Zealand Politics
PSYCH 109G Mind, Brain and Behaviour
SOCIOL 101G Understanding Aotearoa New Zealand
Translation Studies
TRANSLAT 100G Translation for Global Citizens
Youth Work
YOUTHWRK 152G Understanding New Zealand Youth
General Education courses approved for the following degrees:
Faculty of Education and Social Work: BEd(Tchg), BHumServ, BPE, BSportHPE, BSW
Conjoint degrees: BCom/BSportHPE
Students can also choose courses from the General Education Open Schedule. Students enrolled in a conjoint degree can choose from the Open Schedule or from either Faculty Schedule relevant to their degree.
Courses available (15 points):
ASTRO 100G Planets, Stars and Galaxies
CHEM 100G Molecules that Changed the World
Classical Studies and Ancient History
ANCIENT 110G Classical Mythology
Dance Studies
DANCE 101G Introduction to Dance and Creative Processes
Earth Sciences
EARTHSCI 105G Earth’s Natural Hazards
ECON 151G Understanding the Global Economy
Environmental Physics
ENVPHYS 100G Sun, Sand and Surf: Science of Aotearoa
HISTORY 103G Global History
International Business
INTBUS 151G Business across Borders
LAW 121G Law and Society
LINGUIST 101G Language, Mind and Society
MKTG 151G Essential Marketing
MUS 144G Turning-points in Western Music
MUS 149G Rock to Reggae: Tracking Popular Music in New Zealand
Pacific Studies
PACIFIC 100G Te Moana-nui-ā-Kiwa/Pacific Worlds
PSYCH 109G Mind, Brain and Behaviour
SOCIOL 101G Understanding Aotearoa New Zealand
Translation Studies
TRANSLAT 100G Translation for Global Citizens
General Education courses approved for the following degrees:
Faculty of Engineering: BE(Hons)
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences: BHSc, MBChB, BMedImag(Hons), BNurs, BOptom, BPharm
Faculty of Science: BAdvSci(Hons), BSc
Conjoint degrees: BA/BE(Hons), BA/BHSc, BA/BSc, BAdvSci(Hons)/BA, BAdvSci(Hons)/BC, BAdvSci(Hons)/BCom, BAdvSci(Hons)/BDes, BAdvSci(Hons)/BE(Hons), BAdvSci(Hons)/BFA, BAdvSci(Hons)/BHSc, BAdvSci(Hons)/BMus, BAdvSci(Hons)/BNurs, BAdvSci(Hons)/BProp, BAdvSci(Hons)/LLB, BAdvSci(Hons)/LLB(Hons), BC/BE(Hons), BC/BHSc, BC/BSc, BCom/BE(Hons), BCom/BHSc, BCom/BSc, BDes/BE(Hons), BDes/BHSc, BDes/BSc, BE(Hons)/BFA, BE(Hons)/BMus, BE(Hons)/BProp, BE(Hons)/BSc, BFA/BHSc, BFA/BSc, BHSc/BNurs, BHSc/BSc, BHSc/LLB, BHSc/LLB(Hons), BMus/BSc, BNurs/BSc, BProp/BSc, BSc/BTheol, BSc/LLB, BSc/LLB(Hons)
Students can also choose courses from the General Education Open Schedule. Students enrolled in a conjoint degree can choose from the Open Schedule or from either Faculty Schedule relevant to their degree.
Courses available (15 points):
Classical Studies and Ancient History
ANCIENT 110G Classical Mythology
Dance Studies
DANCE 101G Introduction to Dance and Creative Processes
ECON 151G Understanding the Global Economy
EDUC 121G How People Learn
HISTORY 103G Global History
International Business
INTBUS 151G Business across Borders
LAW 121G Law and Society
LINGUIST 101G Language, Mind and Society
Māori Studies
MĀORI 103G Introduction to Spoken Māori
MKTG 151G Essential Marketing
MUS 144G Turning-points in Western Music
MUS 149G Rock to Reggae: Tracking Popular Music in New Zealand
Pacific Studies
PACIFIC 100G Te Moana-nui-ā-Kiwa/Pacific Worlds
SOCIOL 101G Understanding Aotearoa New Zealand
Translation Studies
TRANSLAT 100G Translation for Global Citizens
Youth Work
YOUTHWRK 152G Understanding New Zealand Youth