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Regulations - Business And Economics

Postgraduate Certificate in Property – PGCertProp

The regulations for this postgraduate certificate are to be read in conjunction with all other relevant statutes and regulations including the Academic Statutes and Regulations but excluding the General Regulations for Postgraduate Certificates.


1 In order to be admitted to this programme, a student must have a current offer of admission to the PhD at the University of Auckland that is conditional upon completion of this postgraduate certificate as stipulated by the Board of Graduate Studies (or delegate).

Duration and Total Points Value

2 A student admitted to this postgraduate certificate must:

a pass courses with a total value of 60 points


b complete within the time limit prescribed by the Board of Graduate Studies (or delegate), which will normally correspond to one semester of full-time enrolment.

3 The total enrolment for this postgraduate certificate must not exceed 60 points.

Structure and Content

4 A student enrolled for this postgraduate certificate must complete an individual programme of 700 level courses prescribed by the Board of Graduate Studies that will normally conform to the requirements listed in the Postgraduate Certificate in Property Schedule.

5 A student must complete the University of Auckland Academic Integrity course as specified in the Enrolment and Programme Regulations, Academic Integrity, of the University Calendar.

Completion of Requirements

6 a A student must complete the requirements for each taught course by the last day of the term in which the course is offered.

b The research project must be:

i submitted to the Faculty of Business and Economics on or by the last day of the final term of enrolment in the research project


ii examined and assessed in accordance with the Examination of Sub-Doctoral Postgraduate Research Components of 30 Points and Above Procedures.

c (i) If, in exceptional circumstances beyond the student’s control, the research project has not been completed by the due date specified in Regulation 6b(i), on consideration of an application from the student and appropriate supporting evidence, the Supervisor may approve a limited extension of time, not exceeding one month in total, and the Faculty of Business and Economics Associate Dean Postgraduate Research may approve a limited extension of time, not exceeding two months in total (including any extension approved by the Supervisor). The Supervisor may not decline an application for an extension but may refer it to the Faculty of Business and Economics Associate Dean Postgraduate Research with a recommendation that it be declined.

(ii) If an extension application is declined by the Faculty of Business and Economics Associate Dean Postgraduate Research, the student may make an application for a review of that decision. An application for review must be made in writing to the Board of Graduate Studies (or delegate) within one month of the decline being officially communicated to the student. The application must clearly set out the grounds for the review, and all relevant documents relied upon must be submitted with the application for review. The decision of the Board of Graduate Studies (or delegate) is final.

(iii) If an application is received for an extension of beyond two months, or the application is received more than two weeks after the deadline for submission of the research project, then the application must be forwarded, with a recommendation from the Faculty of Business and Economics Associate Dean Postgraduate Research, to the Board of Graduate Studies (or delegate) for the final decision.

(iv) Where an extension of time is approved by the Board of Graduate Studies (or delegate), the duration will be determined by the Board of Graduate Studies (or delegate) as part of the final decision.

d If an extension is approved pursuant to Regulation 6c, a student will be enrolled in an extension course and pay tuition fees at the rate of 5 points for each one-month period or part thereof. This will only apply when the student’s current enrolment period in the research project has ended.

e Extensions of time approved under Regulation 6c, and variations of the time limit prescribed under Regulation 2, pertain to opportunities for programme completion only and do not amend the terms of the conditional offer of admission to the PhD unless such amendment is expressly approved by both the relevant Academic Head and the Board of Graduate Studies (or delegate).

Appeal of Research Project Examination Outcome

7 The appeal provisions of the General Regulations for Postgraduate Diplomas apply to this postgraduate certificate.


8 In exceptional circumstances the Board of Graduate Studies (or delegate) may approve a personal programme which does not conform to these regulations.


9 These regulations came into force on 1 January 2025.

Postgraduate Certificate in Property (PGCertProp) Schedule


15 points: PROPERTY 700

15 points from BUSINESS 704, 705, 710, or another approved course listed in the Master of Commerce Schedule

30 points: PROPERTY 789 Research Project
