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Regulations - Conjoint Degrees

Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) – BA/BFA(Hons)

New admissions into the Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) were suspended from Semester Two 2024. Students with questions or concerns should contact the Student Hubs for advice. Note: Any student who achieves a grade in FINEARTS 790 that is not of Honours standard will be awarded the Degree of Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Fine Arts. In that case the courses already passed for, or credited to, the Degrees of Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) will be reassigned to the Degrees of Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Fine Arts.

1 A student must pass courses with a total value of 675 points, including:

a 255 points as listed in the BA component in the Conjoint Component Requirements Schedule


b 390 points required for the BFA(Hons) component, including:

(i) Part I: 90 points: FINEARTS 101–104

(ii) Part II: 90 points: FINEARTS 204, and 207 or 208, and 209 or 212

(iii) Part III: 90 points: FINEARTS 305, and 308 or 309, and 310 or 311

(iv) Part IV: 120 points: FINEARTS 790


c a further 15 points from courses available for any programme at this University.
