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Regulations - Conjoint Degrees

Bachelor of Property/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) – BProp/LLB(Hons)

New admissions into the Bachelor of Property/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) were suspended from Semester Two 2024. Students with questions or concerns should contact the Student Hubs for advice.

1 A student must pass courses with a total value of 735 points, including:

a 255 points required for the BProp component, including:

(i) 180 points: BUSINESS 115, PROPERTY 102, 103 211, 221, 231, 241, 251, 261, 271, 281, STATS 100 or 108

(ii) 15 points from PROPERTY 360–364

(iii) 60 points from PROPERTY 300, 311–351, 370–385


b 465 points as listed in the LLB(Hons) component in the Conjoint Component Requirements Schedule


c 15 points: WTRBUS 100.
