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Regulations - Education And Social Work

The Degree of Master of Education – MEd

The regulations for this degree are to be read in conjunction with all other relevant statutes and regulations including the Academic Statutes and Regulations.


1 In order to be admitted to this degree, an applicant intending to complete 120 points must have completed the requirements for the Postgraduate Diploma in Education or the Bachelor of Education (Teaching) (Honours) from this University with a Grade Point Average of 5.0 or higher, or equivalent prior study.

2 In order to be admitted to this degree, an applicant intending to complete 180 points must have:

a completed the requirements for the Bachelor of Education (Teaching) from this University with a Grade Point Average of 5.0 or higher, or an equivalent qualification recognised for teacher registration


b completed the requirements for a relevant Bachelors degree from this University with a Grade Point Average of 5.0 or higher, or have equivalent prior study


c (i) completed the requirements for a Bachelors degree from this University with a Grade Point Average of 5.0 or higher, or have equivalent prior study


(ii) passed 60 points towards the Postgraduate Certificate in Education from this University with a Grade Point Average of 5.0 or higher, provided that the postgraduate certificate has not been awarded


d (i) completed the requirements for a relevant professional qualification in education, with at least two years of relevant professional experience


(ii) passed 60 points towards the Postgraduate Certificate in Education from this University with a Grade Point Average of 5.0 or higher, provided that the postgraduate certificate has not been awarded


e completed the requirements for a relevant bachelors degree from this University with a Grade Point Average of 5.0 or higher in 60 points above Stage II.

3 Equivalence and relevance in Regulation 1 and 2 will be determined by the University. Equivalence pertains to the standard as well as nature and level of study.

4 a In exceptional circumstances the requirements in Regulation 1 may be waived by the relevant Associate Dean Academic or nominee if they determine that an applicant has a bachelors degree and relevant practical, professional or scholarly experience of an appropriate kind that is equivalent to one year of postgraduate study.

b In exceptional circumstances the requirements in Regulation 2 may be waived by the relevant Associate Dean Academic or nominee if they determine that an applicant has at least three years of relevant practical, professional or scholarly experience that provides an equivalent level of preparation.

5 No applicant with the Master of Arts in Education from this University may be admitted to this degree unless permitted by the Associate Dean Academic or its nominee.

Duration and Total Points Value

6 A student admitted to this degree under Regulation 1 or 4a must:

a pass courses with a total value of 120 points


b complete within the time limit specified in the General Regulations – Masters Degrees


c not exceed 160 points for the total enrolment for this degree.

7 A student admitted to this degree under Regulation 2 or 4b must:

a pass courses with a total value of 180 points


b complete within the time limit specified in the General Regulations – Masters Degrees


c not exceed 220 points for the total enrolment for this degree.

Structure and Content

8 A student enrolled for this degree must complete the requirements as listed in the Master of Education Schedule.

9 A student who must complete 180 points for this degree must achieve a Grade Point Average of 5.0 or higher in the first 60 points of taught courses in this degree. If the Grade Point Average is not achieved, enrolment for the Master of Education cannot be continued.

10 A student must complete the University of Auckland Academic Integrity course as specified in the Enrolment and Programme Regulations, Academic Integrity, of the University Calendar.


11 A student who must complete 180 points for this degree and who does not achieve the required Grade Point Average in the first 60 points of taught courses may apply to reassign courses passed for the Master of Education to the Postgraduate Diploma in Education or Postgraduate Certificate in Education.


12 a The thesis is to be carried out under the guidance of a supervisor appointed by the relevant Academic Head.

b The thesis topic must be approved by the relevant Programme Director or nominee or Postgraduate Committee prior to enrolment.

c The thesis is to be completed and submitted in accordance with the General Regulations – Masters Degrees.

Transfer from Postgraduate Certificate in Education

13 A student who has passed courses towards a Postgraduate Certificate in Education may reassign those courses to this degree provided that the Postgraduate Certificate in Education has not been awarded.

Distinction / Honours / Merit

14 This degree may be awarded with either Honours, Distinction or Merit in accordance with the General Regulations – Masters Degrees.


15 In exceptional circumstances, the Programme Director may approve a variation to a student’s programme of study in accordance with the Enrolment and Programme Regulations.


16 These regulations and/or schedule have been amended with effect from 1 January 2025.

Master of Education (MEd) Schedule

A student who has to complete 120 points must satisfy the following requirements:

Prerequisite: at least 30 points from EDPRAC 751, EDPROFST 754, 757, EDUC 735, 787, EDUCSW 700, 701


Research Masters

120 points: EDPROFST 796 Thesis or EDPROFM 796 Thesis

A student who has to complete 180 points must satisfy the following requirements:


Research Masters

30 points from EDUC 787, EDUCSW 700, 701

60 points from EDCURRIC 700–706, 709, 721–723, 725, 728 –731, 740, 750, 763, 791, EDPRAC 750–752, EDPROF 706–709, 724, 725, 732, 759, EDPROFM 700–702, EDPROFST 702–708, 714–755, 760–780, 782–788, EDPSYCH 701, 702, EDUC 702–765, 767, 776, 777, 787, 791, EDUCM 739, EDUCN 701, SOCCHFAM 700, 734, SOCCLEAD 706

90 points: EDUC 792 or 794 Thesis or EDUCM 794 or 795 Thesis

Specialisations available:

Early Childhood

Taught Masters

60 points: EDUC 713, 767

90 points from EDPROF 709, EDPROFST 716, 717, 751, 765

30 points from EDUC 742, EDUCSW 700 or other 700 level courses approved by the Programme Director

Research Masters

60 points from EDPROF 709, EDPROFST 716, 717, 751, 765, EDUC 713, 767

30 points: EDUCSW 700

90 points: EDUC 792 or 794 Thesis or EDUCM 794 or 795 Thesis

Inclusive Education

Research Masters


60 points: EDPROFST 734, EDUC 759

30 points from EDPSYCH 701, 702, EDUC 787, EDUCSW 700, 701

90 points: EDUC 792 or 794 Thesis or EDUCM 794 or 795 Thesis
