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Regulations - Engineering

The Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – BE(Hons)

The regulations for this degree are to be read in conjunction with all other relevant statutes and regulations including the Academic Statutes and Regulations.

Note: This is a limited entry programme as per the Limitation of Entry Statute 1991 and selection criteria apply. Selection criteria are available from the Faculty of Engineering.

Duration and Total Points Value

1 A student enrolled for this degree must follow a programme of the equivalent of eight full-time semesters and pass courses with a total value of 480 points, unless credit is granted under the Admission Regulations and/or the Credit Regulations.

Structure and Content

2 A student must pass 480 points from the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Schedule including:

a 120 points: Part I as listed in the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Schedule, including WTRENG 100, and the Academic Integrity course as specified in the Enrolment and Programme Regulations, Academic Integrity, of the University Calendar


b 120 points from each of Parts II, III and IV from one of the specialisations as listed in the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Schedule.

3 a Where approved courses are listed in the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Schedule, inclusion of these courses for this degree must be approved by the Head of Department or nominee prior to enrolment.

b Courses approved for Part II and III must normally be at or above Stage II or III, respectively.

c Courses approved for Part IV must be at 700 level.

4 a A student will not normally be permitted to enrol for Part II unless Part I has been completed, or to enrol for Part III unless Part II has been completed, or to enrol for Part IV unless Part III has been completed.

b However, a student who has failed to pass one of those Parts in its entirety may be allowed, at the discretion of Senate or its representative, to enrol for the course or courses needed to complete that Part together with a course or courses towards the next Part.

c Only in exceptional circumstances will a student be permitted to enrol for Part III unless Part I has been completed, or to enrol for Part IV unless Part II has been completed.

5 A student who is required to meet the Academic English Language Requirement through the completion of an approved academic English Language course, as specified in the Enrolment and Programme Regulations, Academic English Language Requirement, of the University Calendar, may be required by the Programme Director to substitute a course with an approved academic English language course.

Conjoint Degrees

6 Special arrangements apply where this degree is taken as a component degree of an approved conjoint combination. The specific requirements and a complete list of the conjoint degrees available are set out in the Conjoint Degrees section of the University Calendar.

Practical Requirements

7 a A student enrolled for this degree must carry out satisfactorily such practical work, workshop practice, field trips and laboratory requirements, as prescribed by the Faculty of Engineering.

b A student will not be considered to have completed the requirements for this degree unless Academic Services has received from the Dean of Faculty of Engineering confirmation that the student has complied with the requirements of Regulation 7a.

English Language Requirements

8 a A student enrolled for this degree must demonstrate competence in the English language, in ENGGEN 199, as prescribed by the Faculty of Engineering.

b A student will not be considered to have completed the requirements for this degree unless Academic Services has received from the Dean of Faculty of Engineering confirmation that the student has complied with the requirements of Regulation 8a.


9 a Honours will be awarded in one of three classes: First Class Honours, Second Class Honours, or Third Class Honours. Second Class Honours are awarded in either First Division or Second Division.

b A weighted Grade Point Average will be calculated and rounded to one decimal point, according to the following weightings:

Part II 10%

Part III 30%

Part IV 60%.

c The class of Honours is determined by the weighted Grade Point Average as follows:

7.0 to 9.0 – First Class Honours

5.5 to 6.9 – Second Class Honours First Division

4.0 to 5.4 – Second Class Honours Second Division

3.9 and below – Third Class Honours.


10 In exceptional circumstances the Programme Director may approve a variation to a student’s programme of study in accordance with the Enrolment and Programme Regulations.


11 These regulations and/or schedule have been amended with effect from 1 January 2025.

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (BE(Hons)) Schedule

Part I


120 points: CHEMMAT 121, ELECTENG 101, ENGGEN 115, 121, 131, 140, ENGSCI 111, WTRENG 100

Specialisations available:

Biomedical Engineering


Part II


120 points: BIOMENG 221, 241, 261, BIOSCI 107, ENGGEN 204, ENGSCI 211, 233, MEDSCI 142

Part III

105 points: BIOMENG 321, 341, ENGGEN 303, ENGSCI 314, 331, MEDSCI 205, 309

15 points from CHEM 380, 392, COMPSYS 303, ENGSCI 309, 344, 355, 391, EXERSCI 303, MATHS 362, MECHENG 313, 352, 371, MEDSCI 312, 314, 318, another approved course above Stage II offered at this University

Part IV


30 points: BIOMENG 791, ENGGEN 403

at least 30 points from BIOMENG 771, CHEMMAT 723, 753, 754, 757, COMPSYS 705, ELECTENG 722, 733, ENGSCI 711, 712, 740, MATHS 764, 765, MECHENG 743, MEDSCI 703, 737

up to 30 points from other approved courses

30 points: ENGSCI 700 Research Project

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Part II


120 points: CHEMMAT 201–206, ENGGEN 204, ENGSCI 211

Part III

105 points: CHEMMAT 301–303, 305, 306, ENGGEN 303, ENGSCI 311

15 points from CHEMMAT 304, 720, 723, 725, 754, 755, 757, or other approved courses

Part IV


30 points: CHEMMAT 752, ENGGEN 403

a further 30 points from CHEMMAT 720, 723–725, 753–760, 763, 778, or another approved course

30 points: CHEMMAT 750 Design Project

30 points: CHEMMAT 751 Research Project

Civil Engineering


Part II

CIVIL 299 or ENGGEN 299

120 points: CIVIL 200, 202, 203, ENGGEN 204, ENGSCI 211, ENVENG 200, STRCTENG 200, 201

Part III

105 points: CIVIL 300, 302, 303, ENGGEN 303, ENGSCI 311, ENVENG 300, STRCTENG 304

15 points from CIVIL 301, 304, 305, ENVENG 331, or another approved course

Part IV


60 points: CIVIL 756, 790, 791, ENGGEN 403

at least 15 points from CIVIL 700, 722, 726, 729, 731, 733, 735, 736, 750, 782, ENVENG 701, 740, 747

up to 15 points from another approved course

30 points: CIVIL 705 Research Project

Computer Systems Engineering


Part II


105 points: COMPSYS 201, 209, ELECTENG 291, 292, ENGGEN 204, ENGSCI 211, SOFTENG 281

15 points from ELECTENG 204, SOFTENG 283, 284

Part III

60 points: COMPSYS 301, 305, ENGGEN 303, ENGSCI 313

at least 30 points from COMPSYS 303, 304, 306

up to 30 points from COMPSYS 302, ELECTENG 305, 331, 332, SOFTENG 325, 350, 364

up to 15 points from another approved course

Part IV


30 points: COMPSYS 770, ENGGEN 403

at least 15 points from COMPSYS 701, 723, 726

at least 15 points from COMPSYS 704, 705, 725

up to 30 points from COMPSYS 710–715, 721, 722, 727, ELECTENG 704, 706, 722, 726, 732–734, MECHENG 726, SOFTENG 701, 751, 761

up to 15 points from another approved course

30 points: COMPSYS 700 Research Project

Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Part II


105 points: COMPSYS 201, ELECTENG 204, 209, 291, ENGGEN 204, ENGSCI 211, SOFTENG 281

15 points from ELECTENG 292, SOFTENG 283, 284

Part III

60 points: ELECTENG 310, 311, ENGGEN 303, ENGSCI 313

at least 30 points from ELECTENG 305, 309, 331, 332

up to 30 points from COMPSYS 302–306, ELECTENG 307, SOFTENG 325, 350, 364, or other approved courses

Part IV


30 points: ELECTENG 770, ENGGEN 403

60 points from COMPSYS 705, 723–727, ELECTENG 701, 703, 704, 706, 721, 722, 724, 726, 731–736, 738, MECHENG 726, SOFTENG 753, or other approved courses

30 points: ELECTENG 700 Research Project

Engineering Science


Part II

ENGGEN 299 or ENGSCI 299

90 points: BIOMENG 221, ENGGEN 204, ENGSCI 211, 233, 255, 263

30 points from BIOMENG 241, 261, COMPSCI 220, 225, 230, ENGSCI 205, ENVPHYS 200, MECHENG 211, 222, 270, SOFTENG 281, STATS 210, or other approved courses

Part III

105 points: ENGGEN 303, ENGSCI 314, 331, 343, 344, 355, 391

15 points from BIOMENG 341, ENGSCI 309, or another approved course

Part IV


30 points: ENGGEN 403, ENGSCI 773

at least 45 points from BIOMENG 771, ENGSCI 701, 711, 712, 721, 740, 742, 755, 760, 761, 763, 768, GEOTHERM 785

up to 15 points from other approved courses

30 points: ENGSCI 700 Research Project

Mechanical Engineering


Part II


105 points: ENGGEN 204, ENGSCI 211, MECHENG 211, 222, 235, 236, 242

15 points: MECHENG 201 or another approved course

Part III

120 points: ENGGEN 303, ENGSCI 311, MECHENG 311, 322, 325, 334, 340, 352

Part IV


30 points: ENGGEN 403, MECHENG 731

60 points from AEROSPCE 720, 740, ENGGEN 705, MECHENG 707, 708, 712, 713, 715, 718, 722, 724, 726, 735, 743, 747, 752, 754, 755, or other approved courses

30 points: MECHENG 700 Research Project

Mechatronics Engineering


Part II


105 points: ENGGEN 204, ENGSCI 211, MECHENG 211, 222, 235, 242, 270

15 points: MECHENG 201 or another approved course

Part III

120 points: ENGGEN 303, ENGSCI 311, MECHENG 306, 313, 322, 325, 370, 371

Part IV


45 points: ENGGEN 403, MECHENG 705, 706

45 points from AEROSPCE 720, 740, COMPSYS 726, ENGGEN 705, MECHENG 707–709, 712, 715, 718, 722, 724, 726, 735, 736, 752, 754, 755, or other approved courses

30 points: MECHENG 700 Research Project

Software Engineering


Part II


90 points: COMPSYS 201, ENGGEN 204, ENGSCI 211, SOFTENG 206, 281, 283

15 points from ELECTENG 291, SOFTENG 282

15 points from ELECTENG 204, 292, SOFTENG 284

Part III

60 points: ENGGEN 303, SOFTENG 306, 325, 351

at least 30 points from SOFTENG 310, 350, 364, 370

up to 30 points from COMPSCI 316, 320, 335, 367, 373, COMPSYS 303–306, ELECTENG 305, 331, 332, ENGSCI 313, or other approved courses

Part IV


30 points: ENGGEN 403, SOFTENG 770

at least 30 points from COMPSCI 704, 705, 732, COMPSYS 705, 723, 726, 731, 732, ELECTENG 733, ENGSCI 760, MECHENG 726, SOFTENG 701, 710, 711, 715, 751–754, 761, 762

up to 30 points from other approved courses

30 points: SOFTENG 700 Research Project

Structural Engineering


Part II


120 points: CIVIL 200, 202, 203, ENGGEN 204, ENGSCI 211, ENVENG 200, STRCTENG 200, 201

Part III

105 points: CIVIL 300, ENGGEN 303, ENGSCI 311, STRCTENG 300–303

15 points from CIVIL 301–303, 305, or another approved course

Part IV


75 points: CIVIL 756, 790, ENGGEN 403, STRCTENG 710, 711

15 points from CIVIL 700, 722, 726, 729, 731, 733, 735, 736, 741, 750, 782, 791, ENVENG 701, 740, 747, or another approved course

30 points: CIVIL 705 Research Project

Engineering Leadership

Stage III course: ENGGEN 388
