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Regulations - Interfaculty Programmes

The Degree of Bachelor of Global Studies – BGlobalSt

The regulations for this degree are to be read in conjunction with all other relevant statutes and regulations including the Academic Statutes and Regulations.

Note: This is a limited entry programme as per the Limitation of Entry Statute 1991 and selection criteria apply. Selection criteria are available from the Faculty of Arts.

Duration and Total Points Value

1 A student enrolled for this degree must follow a programme of the equivalent of six full-time semesters and pass courses with a total value of 360 points, unless credit is granted under the Admission Regulations and/or the Credit Regulations.

Structure and Content

2 Of the 360 points required for this degree, a student must pass:

a at least 300 points from courses listed in the Bachelor of Global Studies Schedule, including:

(i) at least 195 points above Stage I, including at least 75 points above Stage II

(ii) Core Courses: 45 points: GLOBAL 102, 200, 300

(iii) a major of at least 150 points from the Bachelor of Global Studies Schedule, of which at least 45 points must be above Stage II

(iv) 60 points from one of the Languages listed in the Bachelor of Global Studies Schedule, of which at least 30 points must be above Stage I

(v) 45 points from one of the Area Studies listed in the Bachelor of Global Studies Schedule that is aligned with the chosen Language, of which at least 15 points must be above Stage II

b 15 points: WTR 100 or other WTR course

c 15 points from courses offered in either the General Education Open Schedule or the General Education Faculty Schedule approved for this degree, and the Academic Integrity course as specified in the Enrolment and Programme Regulations, Academic Integrity, of the University Calendar

d up to 30 points from courses available for this programme or other programmes at this University.

3 A student who is required to meet the Academic English Language Requirement, as specified in the Enrolment and Programme Regulations, Academic English Language Requirement, of the University Calendar, may substitute an academic English language course approved by Senate or its representative for 15 points of General Education.

General Education Exemptions

4 a A student is exempted from the requirement to pass courses offered in the General Education Schedules who has:


(i) completed an undergraduate degree at a tertiary institution


(ii) been admitted to this degree having completed 120 points or more of degree-level study at another tertiary institution.

b A student who has been exempted from the requirement to pass courses offered in the General Education Schedules must substitute the requirement for courses available for this degree.

c A student who has been fully exempted from the requirement to pass courses offered in the General Education Schedules is nonetheless required to complete the Academic Integrity course.

Conjoint Degrees

5 Special arrangements apply where this degree is taken as a component degree of an approved conjoint combination. The specific requirements and a complete list of the conjoint degrees available are set out in the Conjoint Degrees section of the University Calendar.

Special Cases

6 a For Language courses, enrolment of students with prior knowledge of the language is at the discretion of the Academic Head or nominee.

b Enrolment in any particular course(s) may be declined, and enrolment may be required instead in a course at a more advanced level. A student who is required to enrol in a more advanced course may choose either to complete 60 points of Language courses or complete alternative course(s) from elsewhere in the Bachelor of Global Studies Schedule.

c If a student who has been required to enrol in a more advanced course fails that course they may be credited with an appropriate less advanced course if they are certified by the examiners as having reached the standard of a pass for that course and have not previously been credited with that course.

d A student who has passed or been credited with a language acquisition course may not enrol for a course which precedes that course in the sequence of language acquisition courses.


7 In exceptional circumstances the Programme Director may approve a variation to a student’s programme of study in accordance with the Enrolment and Programme Regulations.


8 These regulations and/or schedule have been amended with effect from 1 January 2025.

Bachelor of Global Studies (BGlobalSt) Schedule


15 points: WTR 100 or other WTR course

Core Courses: 45 points: GLOBAL 102, 200, 300

Majors available:

Global Environment and Sustainable Development

Stage I courses: EARTHSCI 105, ECON 151, 152, ENV 100–103, GEOG 104, GLOBAL 101, HISTORY 103, INTBUS 151, MĀORI 130, POLITICS 106, STATS 150, SUSTAIN 100, URBPLAN 101

Stage II courses: EDUC 212, GENDER 208, GEOG 205, GLOBAL 201–203, 205–252, 277–280, MEDIA 231, PACIFIC 205, PHIL 250, SOCIOL 213, 229, SUSTAIN 200, URBPLAN 201, 221, 223

Stage III courses: ENVSCI 303, GEOG 320, 325, 352, GLOBAL 301–303, 305–352, 377–380, MEDIA 332, PACIFIC 305, POLITICS 313, PHIL 351, SOCIOL 307, SUSTAIN 300, URBPLAN 301, 306, 321, 322

Stage IV courses: LAWENVIR 420, LAWPUBL 435, 446, 477

Major must include:

15 points: ENV 102

30 points from ECON 151 or 152, GLOBAL 101, HISTORY 103, POLITICS 106, STATS 150

Global Politics and Human Rights

Stage I courses: ECON 151, 152, GLOBAL 101, 102, HISTORY 103, INTBUS 151, MĀORI 130, PHIL 104, POLITICS 106, SOCIOL 103, STATS 150

Stage II courses: ANTHRO 213, 226, COMMS 208, CRIM 207, EDUC 212, GENDER 208, GLOBAL 201–203, 205–252, 277–280, HISTORY 205, PHIL 268, POLITICS 201, 202, 218, 222, 254, SOCIOL 213, 217

Stage III courses: ANTHRO 321, 377, CRIM 307, GEOG 308, GLOBAL 301–303, 305–352, 377–380, HISTORY 309, MĀORI 335, PHIL 368, POLITICS 303, 311, 314, 320, 346, 356, SOCIOL 309, 315

Stage IV courses: LAWPUBL 436, 443, 446, 449, 461, 477

Major must include:

15 points: POLITICS 106

15 points: PHIL 104

at least 15 points from ECON 151 or 152, GLOBAL 101, HISTORY 103, STATS 150

International Relations and Business

Stage I courses: ECON 151, 152, GLOBAL 101, 102, HISTORY 103, MĀORI 130, POLITICS 106, STATS 150

Stage II courses: ECON 201, GENDER 208, GEOG 202, GLOBAL 201–203, 205–252, 277–280, INTBUS 201, 202, POLITICS 201, 202, SOCIOL 208, 213, URBPLAN 222

Stage III courses: ECON 341, GEOG 302, 307, 327, GLOBAL 301–303, 305–352, 377–380, INTBUS 305, 306, POLITICS 316, 345

Major must include:

45 points from ECON 151 or 152, GLOBAL 101, HISTORY 103, POLITICS 106, STATS 150

in total no more than 75 points from ECON 151, 152, 201, 341, INTBUS 201, 202, 305, 306 or other courses from the BCom Schedule may be included in this degree

Transnational Cultures and Creative Practice

Stage I courses: ARCHHTC 102, ARTHIST 115, ECON 151, 152, GLOBAL 101, 102, HISTORY 103, MĀORI 130, 190, MUS 188, PACIFIC 110, POLITICS 106, STATS 150, URBPLAN 101

Stage II courses: ANTHRO 202, 234, ARCHHTC 237, ARTHIST 233, COMPLIT 200, 202, 206, 210, DANCE 200, EUROPEAN 200, 207, 222, GENDER 208, GLOBAL 201–203, 205–252, 277–280, LATINAM 201, MĀORI 292, MEDIA 202, 222, MUSIC 243, PACIFIC 210, SOCIOL 213

Stage III courses: ANTHRO 301, 329, ARCHHTC 341, ARTHIST 333, COMPLIT 302, 303, DANCE 302, EUROPEAN 300, 307, 322, GLOBAL 301–303, 305–352, 377–380, HUMS 300, LATINAM 303, 306, MĀORI 393, MEDIA 307, 327, MUS 387, PACIFIC 310

Major must include:

at least 45 points from ECON 151 or 152, GLOBAL 101, HISTORY 103, MĀORI 130, POLITICS 106, STATS 150

BGlobalSt Languages:

Academic English

Stage I courses: ACADENG 100, 101, 104, ENGLISH 121

Stage II courses: ACADENG 210

Must include

ACADENG 210 or equivalent competency

Subject to approval by Academic Head or nominee, Academic English is available for international students with English as an additional language who would benefit from English study.


Stage I courses: CHINESE 100, 101

Stage II courses: CHINESE 200, 201, 277, 278

Stage III courses: CHINESE 300, 301, 302, 377, 378

Must include:

CHINESE 201 or equivalent competency

Cook Islands Māori

Stage I course: COOKIS 101 and 15 points from either MĀORI 103, SAMOAN 101, TONGAN 101

Stage II courses: COOKIS 201, PACIFIC 212

Stage III courses: COOKIS 301, PACIFIC 312

Must include:

COOKIS 201 or equivalent competency


Stage I courses: FRENCH 101, 102

Stage II courses: FRENCH 203, 204, 269, 277, 278

Stage III courses: FRENCH 304, 305, 320, 377, 378

Must include:

FRENCH 204 or equivalent competency


Stage I courses: GERMAN 101, 102,

Stage II courses: GERMAN 200, 201, 277, 278

Stage III courses: GERMAN 301, 302, 305, 306, 377, 378

Must include:

GERMAN 201 or equivalent competency


Stage I courses: ITALIAN 100, 106, 107, 177

Stage II courses: ITALIAN 200, 201, 277, 278

Stage III courses: ITALIAN 300, 301, 377, 378, 379

Must include:

ITALIAN 201 or equivalent competency


Stage I courses: JAPANESE 130, 131

Stage II courses: JAPANESE 231, 232, 277, 278

Stage III courses: JAPANESE 331, 332, 377, 378

Must include:

JAPANESE 232 or equivalent competency


Stage I courses: KOREAN 110, 111

Stage II courses: KOREAN 200, 201, 277, 278

Stage III courses: KOREAN 300, 301, 377, 378, 381

Must include:

KOREAN 201 or equivalent competency


Stage I courses: MĀORI 101, 103, 104

Stage II courses: MĀORI 201, 203

Stage III courses: MĀORI 301, 302

Must include:

MĀORI 203 or equivalent competency


Stage I courses: RUSSIAN 100, 101

Stage II courses: RUSSIAN 200, 201, 277, 278

Must include:

RUSSIAN 201 or equivalent competency


Stage I course: SAMOAN 101 and 15 points from either COOKIS 101, MĀORI 103, TONGAN 101

Stage II course: PACIFIC 212, SAMOAN 201

Stage III courses: PACIFIC 312, SAMOAN 301

Must include:

SAMOAN 201 or equivalent competency


Stage I courses: SPANISH 104, 105

Stage II courses: SPANISH 200, 201, 277, 278

Stage III courses: SPANISH 319, 321, 341, 342, 377, 378

Must include:

SPANISH 201 or equivalent competency


Stage I course: TONGAN 101 and 15 points from either COOKIS 101, MĀORI 103, SAMOAN 101

Stage II course: PACIFIC 212, TONGAN 201

Stage III courses: PACIFIC 312, TONGAN 301

Must include:

TONGAN 201 or equivalent competency

BGlobalSt Area Studies:


Stage II courses: ASIAN 200, 204, HISTORY 225

Stage III courses: ANTHRO 329, ASIAN 302, 303, 304, ECON 343, HISTORY 335

Students who have chosen Asia must select either Chinese, Japanese or Korean as their language.


Stage II courses: EUROPEAN 200, 206, 207, 222, GLOBAL 204, HISTORY 217, 224, 271

Stage III courses: EUROPEAN 300, 302, 307, 322, GLOBAL 304, HISTORY 317, 324, 371, LAWPUBL 445

Students who have chosen Europe must select either French, German, Italian, Russian or Spanish as their language.

Latin America

Stage II courses: ANTHRO 226, LATINAM 201, 210, 216

Stage III courses: LATINAM 301, 303, 306, 320

Students who have chosen Latin America must select Spanish as their language.

Māori New Zealand

Stage II courses: ANTHRO 207, ARTHIST 238, HISTORY 227, MĀORI 202, 230

Stage III courses: ARTHIST 338, GEOG 352, HISTORY 327, MĀORI 303, 320, 330, 335, 396

Students who have chosen Māori New Zealand must select Māori as their language.

The Pacific

Stage II courses: ANTHRO 234, PACIFIC 200, 206, 207, 211, 213

Stage III courses: ANTHRO 358, GEOG 312, LAWGENRL 428, PACIFIC 306, 311, 313

Students who have chosen the Pacific must select either Cook Islands Māori, Samoan or Tongan as their language.
