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Regulations - Science

The Degree of Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology – MClinExPhys

The regulations for this degree are to be read in conjunction with all other relevant statutes and regulations including the Academic Statutes and Regulations.


1 In order to be admitted to this degree, a student must have completed the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science from this University with a Grade Point Average of 4.0 or higher in 75 points above Stage II or the equivalent as approved by the Programme Director.

2 In exceptional circumstances, the Programme Director may approve the admission of a student who has at least three years of extensive, relevant, practical, professional or scholarly experience deemed equivalent to the requirements in Regulation 1.

Note: This is a limited entry programme as per the Limitation of Entry Statute 1991 and selection criteria apply. Applicants will be required to demonstrate, in accordance with the approved selection criteria determined by the Faculty of Science, the qualities necessary for a person seeking to be a Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology graduate. This will normally require an interview and submission of academic transcripts.

Duration and Total Points Value

3 A student admitted to this degree must:

a pass courses with a total value of 180 points


b complete within the time limit specified in the General Regulations – Masters Degrees.

4 The total enrolment for this degree must not exceed 220 points.

Structure and Content

5 A student enrolled for this degree must complete the requirements as listed in the Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology Schedule.

6 A student who has previously passed any course the same as, or similar to, those required for this degree, must substitute an alternative course(s) approved by the Programme Director.

7 A student must complete the University of Auckland Academic Integrity course as specified in the Enrolment and programme regulations, Academic Integrity, of the University Calendar.

Practical Requirements

8 A student enrolled for this degree who is required to carry out practical or clinical work must satisfactorily complete such work to the standard that the Faculty of Science requires.


9 A student may apply to reassign courses passed from this degree to the Postgraduate Diploma in Science.


10 In exceptional circumstances the Programme Director may approve a personal programme which does not conform to these regulations.

Distinction / Honours / Merit

11 This degree may be awarded with either Honours, Distinction or Merit in accordance with the General Regulations – Masters Degrees.


12 These regulations came into force on 1 January 2025.

Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology (MClinExPhys) Schedule


Taught Masters

150 points: EXERSCI 719, 720, 721, 724, 776, 777, 778

and either

30 points: EXERSCI 722, 723


30 points: EXERSCI 781 Research Project
